Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (2025)

This article will outline some of the best ways to make money in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) as of 2024. You’ll find a variety of methods including AFK money-making, combat methods, and various skilling techniques. Please note that the OSRS economy is dynamic, so prices and profits may vary over time. It’s advisable to conduct your own research before engaging in any of these methods to get the most accurate profit estimates.

If you are an ironman check out Ironman money making guide.

For the fastest way to obtain RS gold, you can find HERE.

• New methods are regularly added to this article, and profits are updated accordingly. However, it’s always a good idea to verify the profitability on your own before diving in.

Each money-making category listed here will include one primary method. For additional methods, refer to the related articles provided.

Here are some of the best Old School RuneScape Money Making Methods by :

1. Killing VorkathProfit: Up to 4M / Hour
2. Killing ZulrahProfit: Up to 1.5M / Hour
3. Pickpocketing Master FarmersProfit: Up to 900K / Hour
4. Crafting Astral RunesProfit: Up to 1.4M / Hour
5. Smelting Adamant Bars at Blast FurnaceProfit: Up to 750K / Hour
6. Casting Tan LeatherProfit: Up to 1.1M / Hour
7. Making Snapdragon PotionsProfit: Up to 1M / Hour
8. Smithing Steel Bars at Blast FurnaceProfit: Up to 600K / Hour
9. Making Teak PlanksProfit: Up to 300K / Hour
10. Tanning DragonhideProfit: Up to 600K / Hour

These methods vary in difficulty, with some suitable even for new players. Refer to the detailed guides for specific requirements and instructions. For most of these guides you will need to be a member, some of these guides require you to have some starting cash. Click here to buy OSRS gold.

No requirement OSRS money making guide

Here’s an updated guide for making money with no specific requirements in Old School RuneScape as of 2024:

Tanning LeatherProfit: Up to 700K / Hour

Tanning leather is straightforward and profitable. All you need is some starting gold. F2P players can tan Cowhides, while P2P players can tan various dragonhides for increased profits.

The best place to tan hides is Al-Kharid. Accessible from Lumbridge (requires 10gp for the gate) or teleportation methods like a ring of dueling or amulet of glory – Al-Kharid.
Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (1)

For more methods like this, refer to the No requirement Old School Runescape Money Making Methods.

Here are some additional methods that require no specific requirements:

• Tanning hides –Expected profit: 100k-600k GP/H.
• Flipping @ The grand exchange – Expected profit: 700k-15M/H. (Depends highly on market fluctuations and investment amounts)
• Cutting chocolate bars into dust –Expected profit: 250k GP/H.
• Collecting white berries –Expected profit: 150k GP/H.

OSRS Combat money making methods

Earning gold while training your combat skills can be highly lucrative in Old School Runescape. By selecting the right monsters to battle, you not only level up quickly but also accumulate significant amounts of RS gold along the way. If you accumulate accumulate more than you need, remember that you can always convert your Runescape gold in to real money simply sell gold to us! Let’s delve into some of the most profitable combat money-making methods available in Old School Runescape!

As of 2024 killing Vorkath you can make up to 4M / Hour
Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (2)

However, accessing this opportunity demands completion of Dragon Slayer 2 quest and having decent combat stats. Once you master defeating Vorkath, you can expect to earn around 1.5M gold per hour. As you improve, your earnings have the potential to increase even further.

Additionally, in 2024 killing The Nightmare can yield profits of up to 2M gold per hour!
Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (3)
Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (4)

Recommended Requirements:

Combat Level: Recommended combat level of at least 100 to 110.
Prayer Level: High Prayer level (around 70 or higher) for access to protective prayers.
Magic Level: High enough Magic level (around 90 or higher) for using better spells.
Combat Gear: High-tier combat gear.
Completion of Priest in Peril Quest: This quest is required to access the area where the Nightmare resides.

Additionally, having access to a group or team of players is highly recommended due to the difficulty of the Nightmare encounter.

This guide also has easier monsters you can kill such as:

Killing Green DragonsExpect to make 800k+ GP/HourSuitable for players with low combat stats.
Killing Brutal Black dragonsExpect to make up to 1.2M GP/HourRequires 77+ Slayer, 75+ Ranged, and 37+ Prayer.
Killing GargoylesExpect to make 600k+ GP/HourRequires 75 Slayer and 75+ in Strength, Attack, and Defense.
Killing Chaos druidsExpect to make 180k+ GP/HourSuitable for low-level players, decent experience and money-making.
Skeletal WyvernsExpect to make up to 750k GP/HourRequires 72 Slayer, Knight’s Sword quest & Elemental, mind or dragonfire shield.
DagannothsExpect to make up to 1.3M GP/HourRequires completion of The Fremennik Trials quest & combat level of at least 70’ish.
Killing OgresExpect to make 100k GP/HourThis is a F2P money-making method, viable with around 40 Ranged or Magic.
Basilisk KnightsExpect to make up to 500K GP/HourRequires Completion of the Fremennik Exiles quest & 75+ Slayer.

For a detailed Guide on combat money-making methods, including easier monsters to kill, refer to OSRS Combat money making guide.

OSRS P2P Money making

Becoming a member unlocks numerous money-making opportunities in OSRS. It’s pretty cheap to become a member, specially if you buy a Bond using RS gold.
You can see our calculations in this article – reasons to buy Runescape gold.

There are plenty of no requirement money making methods available for members and to start this list off one of the easiest ways you can make money is by collecting Blue Dragon scales.

This method is pretty simple – Head to the Taverley dungeon squeeze through a pipe to the Blue Dragon area, collect blue dragon scales, and bank them in Falador. Don’t forget your anti-dragon shield!

Here’s a quick way to get to the Bank and Back:
Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (5)

• Collecting Blue Dragon Scales – Profit: Up to 200K / Hour

Second method,would be Using Crystal Keys,

Head to Taverley, you’ll find the chest located in the house west of the Witch’s house. Approach the chest and use your Crystal key on it to unlock its contents.
Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (6)

Crystal keys are tradeable, allowing players to buy and sell them on the Grand Exchange or through player trading.
Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (7)

You can make up to 1M GP/Hour

For more P2P money-making methods, check out the – OSRS P2P Money Making Guide.

Many of the methods listed require minimal to no requirements and can yield profits ranging from 100K to 4M GP/Hour, along with skill experience. Explore these guides for leveling and earning opportunities.

Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold (2025)


Best OSRS Money Making Methods in 2024. AFK/Combat/Skill | Ezrsgold? ›

The most profitable, but also very Skill-demanding Ore to mine is the Runite Ore. Mining Runite requires at least 85 Skill in Mining and a Dragon Pickaxe, for maximizing the yield. This Ore is in very high demand and sells for a very good price on the Grand Exchange (prices are over 11000 Gold a lot of the time).

What is the most profitable method in OSRs? ›

The most profitable, but also very Skill-demanding Ore to mine is the Runite Ore. Mining Runite requires at least 85 Skill in Mining and a Dragon Pickaxe, for maximizing the yield. This Ore is in very high demand and sells for a very good price on the Grand Exchange (prices are over 11000 Gold a lot of the time).

What is the most profitable skill in Osrs? ›

Runecrafting has to be the best profitable skill in Old School Runescape, making you well over 400 000 000 getting to level 99. The 3 most profitable Runes to craft are Cosmic Runes, Astral Runes, and Nature Runes, since you can craft double runes for these at certain levels.

What is the most profitable F2P skill in OSRs? ›

If you stick to F2P, here are the best money-making methods for both new and advanced players.
  • High alching profitable items – up to 1M GP/H.
  • Filling Buckets/Jugs of Water up to – 50K GP/H.
  • Collecting cowhide – 80k GP/H.
  • Tanning Cowhide – 100k GP/H.
  • Collecting Nature Runes in Deep Wilderness – 130k GP/H.
Jun 27, 2024

What to do while afk osrs? ›

Money-Making AFK Activities

Making Cannonballs is an excellent money-making method due to their high demand for Slayer tasks. It's very AFKable, although the XP rates are pretty low. Cooking Sharks or Raw Karambwans can be highly profitable, given their demand for player-versus-player combat and bossing.

How much is 1 million OSRS? ›

The price of OSRS gold varies and can fluctuate depending on supply and demand. On average, 1 million OSRS gold coins can cost anywhere from $0.25 to $0.30, but this can change depending on various factors such as the current state of the in-game economy and player demand.

How to get rich fast in RuneScape? ›

How to Make Money in RuneScape as a Member
  1. Barrows.
  2. Running Double Nature Runes.
  3. Catching Red Chincompas.
  4. Killing Frost Dragons.
  5. Cleaning Herbs.
  6. Making (unf) potions.
  7. Creating House Teleport Tabs.
  8. Merchant-Buying from NPCs.

What is the fastest skill to 99 in F2P? ›

After level 43 magic, you should start to superheat all the way to 99. This has been proven to be the fastest in F2P. This spell requires a fairly large amount of nature runes to reach 99. It is recommended that you use a Fire staff.

What is the most profitable way to train combat osrs? ›

Players can complete Slayer tasks to train Slayer while simultaneously training combat stats. This is an effective combat training method as well as providing profit in most cases.

What is the best skill to make money in RuneScape? ›

Skilling methods
MethodHourly profitROI
Crafting air runes through the Abyss19,291,000638.7%
Mage Training Arena18,568,0005571.6%
Crafting astral runes18,107,000720.1%
Crafting law runes through the Abyss18,020,0001080.9%
16 more rows
Jan 25, 2023

How long can you afk combat osrs? ›

Combat itself also has an idle timer. When the player idles in combat for over 20 minutes, they will stop retaliating, even if Auto Retaliate is enabled in the Combat Options. Any interaction with the game will however reset this counter.

What is the most afk osrs? ›

Woodcutting is one of the more AFK skills out there, and redwood trees are probably the most AFK. Unlike normal trees, redwoods have a 1 in 11 chance of being cut down, so it's possible to AFK for minutes at a time, although on the flip side, you can get unlucky and deplete the tree on your first cut.

What is the most efficient Farming in OSRS? ›

Tree runs are the most effective way to gain Farming experience. To do this, plant the highest-tier tree, fruit tree, and hardwood tree saplings available, along with the special tree saplings (calquat, celastrus, crystal, and redwood).

What is the most profitable method of trading? ›

The defining feature of day trading is that traders do not hold positions overnight; instead, they seek to profit from short-term price movements occurring during the trading session.It can be considered one of the most profitable trading methods available to investors.

How to make lots of money on OSRS? ›

  1. Skilling: Tanning Cowhides: Buy cowhides, tan them in Al Kharid, and sell them for profit. Requires minimal investment and effort. ...
  2. Quests: Stronghold of Security: Complete the quest for a guaranteed 100k gold and decent rewards. ...
  3. Monster Hunting: Killing Chickens: Low risk and steady income, though not the fastest.
Jan 29, 2024

What is the most profitable way to train combat OSRS? ›

Players can complete Slayer tasks to train Slayer while simultaneously training combat stats. This is an effective combat training method as well as providing profit in most cases.

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.