Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (2024)

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Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (1)[...]n
Massey University, Palmerston North

Vol. 50 No 9 ‘4 May 1983

(A/évo/ M76 \ W/wié-[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (2)[...]th the var-
ious University Students Associations and
discuss policy aims and methods. Activi-
ties, priorities and budgets for term ll are
decided. MUSA delegates w[...]a,
Yap F.C., Steve Turner, Mark E. Guntren
Kreig, and Rodney Aanensen. I will re—
port for Chaff.

Th[...]issions: Education,
International, Women, Finance and Admin.
Welfare and National . The four standing
committees take some issues further; na-
tional education and welfare, women’s
action, public affairs and national over-'
seas students-

Reports on May Co[...]nks to all who use the Space
Invaders machines. 8,500 games have been
played to date.

It is interesti[...]o
wife following his murder. She was given
$6,000 and 60% of his weekly income. If
he had been killed o[...]lay

board in the Students Centre foyer. Dag-

gy and the dickhe*ds tried hard on Mon-

day night. Not[...]rganisers of the dance

Tightening up on the door and the bar.

Shades of Grey played too. See
you next[...]em’s crazy. To go to
varsity you get less than $50 weekly, if
you’re at home you get all of $27. And
the dole? Upwards of $70...Makes you
wonder what[...]are a large
number of these in some departments,
and it is unlikely tht they will argue with
you about[...]ve to
attend interviews that are arranged for
you and demonstrate that you are looking
for a job.

CRAC[...]proposal, despite 'the dam-
age done to students and the community’.

“Before last summer the Mini[...]tu-
dents would be unemployed. He told us
to wait and see," Mr Arthur said.

“In our meeting with the Minister,



Greetings and good F. Well yes
folks, the first term is about to end and
you are plonk in the middle of capping. I
hope yo[...]ay at Albert Motor Lodge with the
Dance Exponents and The Diehards.

-— Procesh Day: Get yourselves
o[...]ce with the two Australian
bands - Birthday Party and Marching Girls
on Thursday 5th May starting at 8.[...]is was the proposal that the Students
Association and the University go halves
in the salaries of a second student counse-
llor, a recreation officer and the creche
manager. After much discussion, an am—
ended motion was put and passed to the
effect that MUSA do accept 50% of the
salaries for a second counsellor, recrea-
tion officer and creche manager. This im-
plies that MUSA will pay[...]ver, it will mean at least an extra $4.
levy over and above the $54 Students As-
sociation Levy. | feel[...]sley
French representing the Women's Collec-
tive and I walked around the campus at
11.00 pm. To do a f[...]the
campus took about 11/2 hours, while Les-
ley and l pointed out the various areas
where more lighti[...]f the existing lighting has already
been utilized and there should be an imp-

we presented official st[...]showed that over 10,000 students were
unemployed and underemployed. Many
students who did not get summ[...]loyment will be as
bad, if not worse, next summer and stu-
dents will be forced to repeat the same
by 100,000 other unemployed New Zea-
landers, and the Government must step in
to do more,” he sai[...]fforts. Thanks once again to all
those who signed and supported the light-
ing petition.

' Claire Crawley, the Housing Sem-
inar worker, and l have been asked to at-
tend a Housing meeting w[...]hav-
ing a holiday, your hardworking Execu-
tive and other committed persons will be
at May Council ([...]n in the areas of women’s
commission, education and welfare, fin-
ance and Administration, international
and national affairs.

The role of May Council is:
1) to consider relevant new policy.
2) to decide activities and priorities for
term 2.
3) revise NZUSA budget and allocate acti-
vities budget monies for term 2.[...]club grants to complete their forms.

Mandy Whyte and I will be runn-
ing a series of workshops next term on ci~
vil rights and running a series of articles,
so keep looking in[...]alism, they will
be removed.

Have a good holiday and enjoy
capping. Take care.


look a[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (3)[...]to immigration. Of the total
population of about 150,000, Kanaks
make up about 60,000 or 45%. There are
55,000 Europeans (mostly French colon-
ists and including 2,500 hardened expat—
riots from Algeria, called pied-noir),
11,000 Indonesians, 5,000 Tahitians and
some Wallisians, Vietnamese and West In-

Most of the 40% unemployed (out
of a 50,000 strong workforce) are Kanaks.
Since the nicke[...]in their own home.
They were strippedof political and civil
rights until after WWII. They finally won

for Kanaks have been “long suppressed”
and are not prepared to face the wealth,
education and political imbalances that
have kept them downtrod[...]pokesperson for the Kanak Indepen-
dence movement and is aware of the need
for solidarity among Pacific, and especially
Melanesian peoples. A Melanesian Federa-
tion, including Papua New Guinea and
Solomons and encompassing two million-
people has been mention[...]elationship” was
emerging between New Caledonia and
France. There is even a minority white-
backed Ce[...]has generally come from
land owning, plantations and exploita-
tions. They are “raketeers”, accord[...]e invariably wealthier, with better con-
nections and are well armed. There are
25,000 registered firea[...]in a dilemma. Some of them are fifth

generation and can no more live in France .

than could someone[...], which in theory, restores customary
land rights and laws, and gives Kanaks a
greater economic, social and developmen-
tal stake in their homeland. Rule by[...]owever, will not openly back Kanak in-
dependence and yet it won’t stop Cal-


doche[...]red NZ
talking on these topics.

KANAKE 6t 505

L; even less avenue for negotiation,

. "um“...

Australia, but the Solomons and Papua
New Guinea have Melanesians' interests at
h[...]indigenous populationsWith Algeria
New Hebrides, and New Caledonia all ha-
ving liberated themselves from the French,
the Marquesas, Tuamotus, and other Ta-
hitian islands will be next. The French[...]keenly aware of these
colonies’ military value and will oppose
independence even more.

French nucle[...]ity. Pro-independence parties,
are in a majority, and Kanaks mourn ra-
ther than celebrate each anniver[...]is yet to be decided. It will be slow
in coming, and it might have to be bloody.
A new constitution is expected this year,
and a scenario suggests political indepen-
dence in 1[...]all oc-
cupying the land, then the institutions,
and we proceed from there. Our fight
doesn’t vindicate murder. IndependenCe
is a fight for dignity and life."

The violence is on the increase.
White In[...]September 1981. Two
police were killed in January and whites
have rioted and attacked the Territorial
Assembly to voice their opposition to re-
forms and Kanak independence.

The blood letting will not b[...]ice to spur

, Ithem on. As the gap between Kanak and

Caldoche widens, the former will have

For N.C. Independentiste Eloi
Machoro, the next[...]nt, which is first
the highlighting of injustice, and second,
the ability to decide what we ought to do[...]t, then, be clearer.
Kanaks want to be In controL And they

And the spin off may be that
Maori land issues - now given support
from both Pacific islanders and American
Indian liberation movements - wil[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (4)[...]83 was rati- '

fied, without a murmur about drug and
alcohol habits, and mis-use of student

The appointment of Mr[...]to the work of students who are trying to
expose and raise consciousness about the

. , . 7%,,
Account[...]appointment of R.J. Burns 8:

' Co. as auditors, and Coopers and Lybrand

as accountants was also ratified for 1983.
Coopers and Lybrand are MUSA's accoun-
tants from last year - Barr, Burgess and
Stewart - following a name change.

Procedural mo[...]ay speak for three minutes, the
seconder for two, and then the mover’s
Right of Reply for two. Others[...]reports of the President, Sec.-
retary, Treasurer and all vice-presidents,
as well as the .Annual Accou[...]anisations which operate

outside the Association and with little
benefit .to students are highly quest[...]ellor, a recreation officer in

the Sports Centre and a Creche manager.
The motion contains the proviso[...]ek of term two.

1982's Treasurer Bruce Taylor and OrganisatiOnal V.P. Max Parker

ARTS FEST TO L[...]sed. The
countdown leaves us with six weeks to go
and things are really starting to hot up.

Just to ti[...]1983 Page4

truly action-packed with buskers, art and
craft stalls, Jonathon Acbrn once again,
not to m[...]night. This is a jazz evening in the Art
Gallery and what better place to give the
atmosphere required[...]we hope to have a
champagne brekkie in the square and fol-
lowing from that, we are hoping to com-
pile[...]workshops on campus. These will be about
clowning and puppeteering, bone carving,
poetry and dance. Confirmation on a

couple of those are sti[...]giant
games being set up in the square. Checkers
and chess etc. not to mention balloon
popping races etc. '

Taranaki Sol and Ralph Bennett
will be offering the opportunity fo[...]vening is just the cure
for fatigue, restlessness and discontent-
ment. So there is no denying that the[...]s to be double billing of 'Na-
ked Spots Dance’ and ’The Stones‘. 'Naked
Spots Dance’ ar[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (5)[...]a of super-power imperial-
ism with both the USSR and the US show-
ing increasing interest in securing[...]wo teams

compete against each other in answering
questions on a wide range of topics from
Greek Mythology, History, Literature
Music - both Classical and up to 1983,
Physical and Biological Sciences, Current
Events, Geography, Religion, Art, Films,
and Television, Sport; you name it and
it is asked.

There are two kinds of questions.
Teams compete for the right to answer
bonus questions by attempting to answer
starter questions. Once an individual
from one team has successfully answer-
ed a starter (and gained 10 points) then
the whole team may confer to answer
3 bonus questions, each worth 5 points,
without competition from th[...]still continues, contaminating water,
food chains and people. Americans and
Europeans do not want this testing in their
own b[...]ts
of this programme. These include de-

' formed and retarded children, high death

rates from cancer and lymphatic
miscarriage and radiation sickness. (This
includes burns, loss of hair, cancer and
genetic damages).

Micronesians are people - a fact
that racist American military and political
strategists deny, stating that the Micr[...]ital we get moving_here at
Massey - time is short and people still stick
their collective heads in the sand of selec-
tive perception and apathy. Massey Stu-
dents for a Nuclear Free Paci[...]re bar/I. ..
ya/ were [VI/I
aha/6V a/ooscéer/y
£5051 .. . /éaf.é

mmunity as well as challenging partici-
pants by way of speakers, workshops and
liturgies. The Christian community that
people live in is very important and gives
support to our struggles to follow the tea-[...]dition though, the

national community and indeed, the world

community is of vital importan[...]iety of topics covered by the
three main speakers and the workshops.

' The Bishop of the Palmerston No[...]ishop Peter Cullinane, will speak
on “Community and Reconciliation”;Je-

suit Father Pat Bishop will speak on “Sac-i

ramentality of Community” and the Rev-
erend Michael Elliot of the Ecumenical
S[...]asis. We are sure
that with the same organization and
enthusiasm as last year, we are capable
of getting a team able to retain the title.


University Challenge for 1983
will be video[...]odation. is provided at Otago
University hostels, and is paid for by
TVNZ. So the whole trip will cost[...], most of the teams mix
freely, have a great time and thoroughly
enjoy themselves.


Aside from[...]ve yet to be
announced but promise to be valuable
and useful.

In addition to these prizes, the
Student[...]mpetes. This is Used to
purchase the team jerseys and fund the
following year's team. Any money left


I AM T[...]turgy, Ecumenism, Prayer, Social Ac-

tion, Music and Liturgy and Unemploy-

This year’s confere[...]on the whole all young
people share similar joys and difficulties
in their Christian lives, whether th[...]God to people.
We are of necessity social beings and our
interactions with people must demonstrate
our[...]plications of God’s call for us to be
one as He and the Father are one, for us

- to live in communit[...]n watching University
Challenge in previous years and been
able to answer even one question that
the co[...]in the team who can answer say, .
all the history questions but nothing
else — we will be looking for 4 peo[...]history.

So we expect to see you at the

trials, and if you know someone who
should be in the t[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (6)[...]ms" then either you hang out with the
most select and peculiar bunch of co*ckies
in New Zealand, or you[...]Do they- go wandering into the
crowded local pub and shoot the ceiling
down? Do they have a history of[...]ous weapons which the police occasion-
ally raid and seize?

V And as for your deep seated mis-

trust of the police[...]upport Arthur Allan
Thomas’ cries of innocence, and he
changed his story about four times. Could

thi[...]n the matter.
You’d be directed to disturbance, and ar-
rest any person(s) breaking the law. The
Dist[...]as yet, just breaking the law.

Remembering Do's and Don’ts in
tricky situations can be difficult, especially
if you realise, under the uniform and
training, you’re just another human being

who feels fear, and has a very strong urge ~

to survive. A cop has t[...]more violence in crimes (which are in-
creasing), and a lot more firearms used by
criminal elements, and your everyday
murderer, rapist. Think a bit. How[...]u seen Hill Street Blues?
It’s an American cops and robbers pro-
gramme on T.V. If that programme is
merely showing bits and pieces of Ame-
rica’s nasty, criminal side, the[...]the dirt, but
it doesn’t help the Police image, and that
image is important if you’re going to po-[...]roud of his
achievement. Crap was a bad newspaper
and was generally disliked by the peasants
because of[...]hot), he thought that his opinions
were Christmas and so he decided to print
them whenever he wrote an article, he
was even able to read between the lines
and would make these known to those
that could not se[...]ember, gener«
ally unrespectable, have long hair and are
thought to be carrying a firearm, you can
exp[...]sants, this
was an outstanding feat of perception and
for his efforts was made an honary (sic)
member o[...]xist, racist or offensive.
Complaints, criticisms and digs can be

said without offensive or personal a[...]Crap com-
plained about how useless the paper was
and frequently cries of “pull your co*ck
out of your ear” and pull your finger out
of your arse, were heard, but alas, he could
not hear (his co*ck was still in his ear) and
he, with the exec right in behind (in more
ways than one) continued printing Crap.
And they lived unhappily for ever after.

GETHER. Stop the crap and other trendy‘
radical feminist rubbish.

N.B. A[...]us lack of understanding of
the realities of rape and a very selfish, de-
grading view of women.

I can[...]tries to fo-
cus attention on the reality of rape and
the myths that put the blame for the act
on the victim. We have pages and pages of
Chaff devoted to such campaigns because[...]m, then
I suggest you are frightened of the truth
and probably scared of some facet of your
own sexuality.

l have a close friend who was ra-
ped and beaten by her boyfriend. She was
hospitalised by her injuries and four years
later still is troubled by the memory.[...]intercourse, not
what a male imagines his to be. And if it's
not enclosure, then it’s rape.

Sally P[...]too many letters are articles
that are insulting and offensive to various
groups and individuals. I wish that every-
one would keep their hurtful views and
opinions to themselves, so I could keep
my head s[...]se nasty, insult-
ing, thought-provoking articles and letters
from your newspaper. This would increase[...]HX1138 - You lose.

P.P.S. The Exploited (of "Sex and Vio-
lence” fame) were the proteges of con-man[...]n only be seen to
be supporting mindless violence and the
male machoism sexual image. Sorry Pissed
Off Personist (Female) - You lose too.

Dear Peter,

A Certain Bar probably deriv[...]Malcolm McLaren’s 'Buffalo
Gals scratch mix’ and the Super Liquor
Man is run by a super liquored m[...]last night of opera—
tion. The crowd was large and non-aggro,

More than that can be[...]e pillock behind the bar. He refused to
sell lime and waters - the people that or-
der that kind of dri[...]nly all of these, acting childishly,
offensively, and extremely drunk.

I hope the Buffalo Bar s[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (7)[...]med to have begun around the time of
the American and French Revolutions.
Each was an assertion ofself-[...]r another. Now,
America - the advocate of freedom and
independence - is denying that same right
to peop[...]ral America. In support
of its own corporations - and excused by
the ubiquitous threat of communism -
the US and its lacky Israel, is pumping
arms and destruction into the countries
of El Salvador and Guatemala. Another
’Nicaraguan Revolution' must[...]one!

The connection between an, ex-
cowboy actor and the plight of Indians -
the celluloid victims - i[...]r mentality, Ronald Reagan
'has rode into Central and South America
to buy some hired guns with a pocketful
of money cut from domestic andand the resources of
the land on to which they have b[...]mother, our source
of life. It can’t be owned, and to harm it
is to harm ourselves. If you look afte[...]tiny. We may be family after all, we will
see.” And 100 years later, these same
whites have proved him right, for the per-
secution goes on and the destruction of
the earth is threatened.


White oppression has common
characterist[...]y immigrant
colonial societies, bent on self-gain and

In both cases, the access to that
source of life and sustenance - the land -
has been denied. And in both, it is now a
source of contention. Indian[...]is
going down by 96%, health by 82%, edu-
cation and training by 45% and energy re-
source development by 46%. lndian un-[...]among wo-
men), underrepresentation in parliament
and on Fletcher Challenge Board of Di-
rectors. The p[...]ent -
Bellecourt says - is in ”total solidarity and
support for all indigenous peoples through-
out the world who are struggling for surv-
ival, for land and for the right to enjoy
the resources of the land.[...]ies conclu-

,,Wded between the indigenous people and

the immigrants have been broken and ig-
nored. Bellecourt said it happened in
America[...]ian Treaty Council in the
United Nations Economic and Social

A Treaty is “based on rules and
principles of International law, binding
nations to inviolate international agree-
ments, relationships and understandings.”
Breaking these treaties is a serious crime
that should be discussed and solved, inter-

The Treaty of Waitang[...]en legitimate
representatives of Northland Maori, and
the British Government and has been


slowly, covertly undermined[...]right wing, reactionary governments in
Guatemala andand
get more arms. The'comparison with Viet-
nam revo[...]herwise internecine conflict that US
military aid and assistance is perpetrating.

And in the middle of it all, the In-
dians, peasants, Ladinos, and workers are
murdered, evicted and forced to live in
refugee camps in neighbouring c[...]ntained"
invasion of Nicaragua going on, financed
and supported by the CIA. The US wants
to topple the[...]banon that began last summer.
The most widespread and damaging me-
dia distortion concerns the refugee[...]ic
event for its sensationalist value in pictures
and headlines, the media succeeded in
transforming th[...]gligence into a
false impression of pre-meditated and ma—
licious intent to kill wantonly. Nothing is[...]g testimony to the
health of Israel’s democracy and its moral
values. In fact, the Commission cited
D[...]just investiga-
tion: If a slaim person is found and the
murderer is unknown, the entire commu-
nity is to assume a measure of responsibil-


ity and pray for forgiveness, since murder
Is a cardinal[...]enemy. In fact,
by accepting God's order of love and sup-
port for the Jewish nation, one also af-
fir[...]ting point for a mar-

vellous plan of redemption and reconcili—
ation that has been extended to all[...]in Jesus Christ through

the means of repentance and love.

It’s becoming clear that our moti-
vation is standing with Israel must be based
on the scriptures and not on romantic no-
tions. We Christians are call[...]But it
is because of God’s everlasting covenant
and His faithfulness in keeping it that we
can stand firm and not fall away in the
time of testing. Many Christians are begi-
nning to realise this and are becoming
more aware of their responsibility to
speak out and influence, as far as possible,
the media and government.

Crucial Stage for Judea and Samaria

The battle for Judea and Samaria
is entering a crucial stage. King Hussein
of Jordan and President Mubarak of Egypt
realise that if the ra[...]agan Plan calls for Israel to
return 97% of Judea and Samaria and al-
low the establishment of a Palestinian
homela[...]rael by forcing it back to its pre-
1967 borders, and then bring about an
eventual collapse of the Jewi[...]e not tanks or
planes, but international pressure and dip-
lomacy directed against Israel.

It is important to remember that
both radical and so-called ”moderate"

contd on page 10[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (8)[...]ivi-
lege - particularly those involving Royalty,
and the broken treaty of Waitangi. The
group d[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (9)[...]ted by the police

, I as law breakers, criminals and undesir-
' ables. Where is the freedom of[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (10)[...]f of prisoners of con-
science - those imprisoned and often bad-
ly treated, tortured and executed all over

the world because of non-violent political “

or religious beliefs and activities, or simp-
ly their ethnic origins.

Letters requesting amnesty for
prisoners and related publicity campaigns
have contributed to t[...]all
political persuasions to more more direct-
ly and surreptitiously against dissidents.
More and more people are simply ‘disap-
pearing’ after[...]ding assistance to
victims of human rights abuses and pub-
licising their cases. Mrs Enriquez had been[...]denied that the police
had detained Mrs Enriquez, and said that
the goVernment was notimplica'ted in th[...]ddresses supplied below for the price of
45.cents and a few minutes you can help
make the world a more open and safe
place to live in. Ithas worked many times
be[...]case is but one of thou-
sands of disappearances, and violations of
human rights that have occurred in[...]ret
detention centre after the 1976 military
coup and during the "war on subversives”

till 1978). Sh[...]kept contact with Navy Mechanics
School officers and one of her fellow-
workers who contacted Amnesty[...]erns about the Navy’s activities to rela-
tives and friends, including her access to
tapes of convers[...]ra in Paris. In December 1978 7
she was abducted, and later found drow-
ned or suffocated in an area of[...]la-
ted agencies implicated in killings both
fore and after the coup have been regular
military forces,[...]cluding the National Guard, the National
Police, and the Treasury Police. The Sal-
vadorian authoritie[...]tional is focusing
on the case of Maria Enriquez, and hopes
that appeals from Amnesty International
members and other concerned about the
human rights violations will persuade the
Salvadorian authorities to establish and
QUIRY into her abduction and killing. If
you can assist with this work in any[...]e has ordered
that the investigation be re-opened and
letters from abroad could play a vital part
in ge[...]the abduction of people from
their homes at night and imprisonment in
secret camps without trial which has re-
placed formal arrest and official detention
of revolutionary suspects since 1976. Most
victims in the past have not re-appeared
and almost all have probably been tort-

Althou[...]ave given testimonies
of muders during abductions andand in—
ertia surrounding uncounted “disappear—[...]quiries through the courts by human rights
groups and a visit to Argentina by dele-
gates of the Inter-[...]al,
independent inquiry into the case desc-
ribed and to ensure that those found res-
ponsibleare broug[...]ddress below. You should
give the victim’s name and the date and
place of death if known, and may cite
other details of the case.

If an inquir[...]iate measures to
prevent further "disappearances" and ex-
trajudicial executions.


General Reynaldo Bignone
Casa Rosada

Balcarce 50

Buenos Aires C.F.

Begin the letter w[...]your

Chaff 4_ May 1983 Page 10

prayer support, and remind you that "the

battle is the Lord’s” ([...]have joined theSyrian troops right
inside Lebanon and are even positioned
close to Beirut. Most of the[...]ge again dramatically once
Syria leaves the scene and Israel is then

able to disengage its own troops.[...]tant to them. Lebanon cannot really
become a free and independent nation
while Syria, with Russian help[...]egarding a purported

.Israeli invasion of Syria, and its equally

dangerous talk about the pote[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (11)[...]paper (?)) get such uninforma-
tive, non-relevant and boring one-sided
views and articles?

And why doesn't Chaff become
self-sufficient? ——[...]ncy would reflect a true opinion of those
who do (and don’t) approve of this trash.

And you students out there - don’t
get ripped off i[...]. Throw down your
pens. Wipe your furrowed brows, and stop
writing to the Editor of Chaff.”

'Why?’, you might well scream as
you pick up pen and paper. STOP! I have
the solution you have never t[...]e

| read your column/article/paper/
rag on / /83 and was shocked/bored/
pissed off/disgusted by the un[...]in the ....... ..spaces.
Don’t press too hard, and think before
you write — you_wouldn’t want to[...]ch one is trying to outdo the other
in complaints and criticisms about their
'beliefs' or 'beings’. W[...]e a f*ck what anyone thinks
of me. I am what I am and if they don't
like it, they can lump it.

The main thing is to be satisfied
with yourself, and not to worry about
what others think or say. Ignore them.

Yours sincerely

P.S. And to all those moaners - mind your
own bloody busin[...]e if I’m
wrong) is a position of responsibility and
your objectives are to look after the inter-
got to do with us? I can just see Piet and
the boys rushing around removing racism
laws left, right and centre because some
self-opinionated, over indulg[...]ers sent them a letter. Get your
priorities right and wake up to the fact
that everyone treats you with the same

As for you, Mark Kreig, (and don't
you dare tell me l feel threatened by you
o[...]on’t give a damn about your sexual
preferences (and I very much doubt any-
one else does) but I do ob[...]have no authority, so crawl back into

your hole and f*ck up.

Oh, just one more thing, who do
you thi[...]inely interested that are not bles-
sed with tit* and a chip on our shoulder?
As for your spelling of w[...]n. 7. the punctuation mark
?, used at the end of questions and in
other contexts where doubt or ignorance
is imp[...]high standard
guaranteeing excellent programming and

It is neat to see so many new people
involved in the Radio.

Thanks a lot Max and everyone else
concerned with the Radio.

You’re doing a brilliant job.

Lots of love, hugs and kisses


Keep up the excellent work Radio
Massey. Glad to know someone appreci-
ates good music and not the commercial
crap that gushes out‘[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (12)[...]sual highlight during Capping
Week. Tickets $6.00 and all limited
pre-sales. Come as your favourite
Hol[...]loyed rights
3. Beneficiaries Action Group and
Women’s Refuge Centre.

‘ There will NOT be a[...]ian bands “Birthday Party”
‘Marching Girls" and locals “Skeptics”
This triple banger sure to[...]will be given to?

those who exhibit originality and theg‘.
most startlingvnight attire. So be sur *7
to be ready and waiting on you island.

Progress of the wine van[...]ll
Starts 8.30 pm. - at least 1 am.
Supper, Dance and Drink.

Graduates $28 Non-Graduates $30

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (13)flAPPINfl’BB AND

I ll IIIHHHIIIIIII lllllllllllllllll I I[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (14)[...]would like to voice my apprecia—
tion to Bernie and Fitz for producing a
capping magazine that raised[...]ver the past few years. I
really enjoyed Penguins and Body Shapes.
Day of the Bishops was fantastic Fit[...]opinions of the events that are
happening. Chaff, and the articles in it,
are merely giving the other s[...]in Chaff there has been an article
on El Salvador and the Phillipines. Both
places becoming high prior[...]‘8‘


with groups such as the IRA and PLO.
Bloody terrorists, I've heard them called.[...]ce. The PLO

are now granted observer status at , and
are recOgnised by most members of,the

UN, surely[...]ur
Association. We make this policy, a) at
AGM's; and b) SGM’s. How do we get po-
licy, if no motions are forthcoming? Any-
one has both voting and speaking rights_
so any motion will be won or los[...]voice

your views instead of hiding behind a pen
and paper and some silly pseudonym.

Within any society, there[...]he right
to voice their cause, open up discussion
and show their grievances. Many of the
letters that c[...]These minority groups, often
form groups, both on and off campus, to
help themselves in their fight for[...]pen, both to anyone concerned who
wants to join, and to discussion~with any
one who wants to understan[...]rn up to use

, this opportunity, no,. they write and hide

behind their pseudonyms to sling abuse.
dated by yourmacho, toilet, humoured
males; and b) because a particular show,
film, etc. although[...]certain graphics,

photos, that males might come and watch
just to get off on, not to absorb the mes-[...]wn the front
were four pissed males, who whistled and
cheered every time there was a sight of a
breast[...]e) feel that we are interested in wo-
mens issues and would like to learn, be
educated on this issue, we could form a
discussion group to help us and others un-
derstand these issues. -

I welcome al[...]just



Dear Chaff and Peter,

As a student at Auckland Univer-
sity, I[...]an excellent perspective
on the problems of women and
in both New Zealand and the world.

But l feel that, with regard to ano-
ther minority, Chaff, and it would appear,
a large part of the Massey stude[...]The minority I speak of, is the
Christian one. (And we are a minority —
perhaps you'll quote census[...]f difference bet-
ween Christians who are sincere and prac-
tising, and those who say they are in a
census, because Grand[...]promulgate stereotypes about
Jews or Polynesians, and I won’t quote
any, someone would complain to the Hu-
man Rights Commission, and correctly so.

There are Christians involved in
the peace and anti-nuke movements, fem-

inism, anti-racism and Amnesty Interna- —

tional. Me, for one. Also,[...]). They are
people commanded to l0ve one another.
And their neighbour - whichmeans YOU.

I have to admi[...], discredit all nuclear physi-

cists? Do Leopold and Loch damn all

I read Chaff warily now, whi[...]Hate-the-Christian thing, i.e. date,
time, place and offence, fair enough. l’ll
state l’m open to[...]rd John Kennedy on Radio
Massey on Saturday night and, oh boy,
please assassinate him.

Robert Kennedy[...]p-

_ ping on the wet floor. Not to be deterred,

and looking .forward to a hot shower, I
hit the taps and after a full ten minutes of
the cold version of h[...]lation.
My immediate thoughts were those of
food, and so l proceeded in the direction
of Woolworths. After filling a trolley and
calculating expenditure, it occurred to me
that i[...]task if they
were invisible), or (b) return home and
get some money. Although (a) held a cer-
tain app[...]he house
shattering the second living room window
and turning my car into what is known in
America as a[...]felt this to be a bonus as the cat then
ran away and I could use part of the insu-
rance for my[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (15)[...]-heavy, old music to a drunk, but
happy audience, and yet Citizen Band did
not look happy.

Had someone[...]d success, even though
$1800 went to the main act and alcohol
flowed freely. People were enjoying them-[...]eep.

Dragon, Golden Harvest, Hello
Legionnaires, and CB. have all reformed.
The lure of money, wine, fame‘and wo-
men too irresistable, eh? Well, there was


What Al Film -!


One of America’s grandest love
sto[...]only got two academy aw-
ards - one for the song and the other for
Louis Gossett's performance as the[...]re.

The ’lust’ story between Zach (the
hero) and Paula is the major theme of this
'8’ rate movie[...]with that of another officer
(Zach's best friend) and Paula’s friend,

The film o'scillates between life in
the barracks and motel rooms; it’s all ra-
ther tedious.

When t[...]us. Lynette
is such a woman, she 'uses' her lover and
is evil. She is a pathetic character trapped
in a[...]icer. People are likely to
see her as destructive and wholly respons-
bile for her lover's death. Drawn[...]rches
up to Paula (a sad soul stacking envelopes)
and swoops her up into his arms. The

Paula, the helpless female is res-
cued and taken away by her knight in
white. What happens n[...]he Massey Drama Revue
made me want to ask certain questions.
Like, does a Revue reflect anything of the
personality of a particular university? Or
not? And does the university have any
personality to refle[...]ightest whiff of a joke.

But that doesn’t stop questions
being asked. The quality of the material
was unev[...]— steer—
ing clear of any risk or controversy and
reserving the only real naughtiness for
that trad[...]lly pro-
vided some of the evening's most pointed
and clever moments. Based around a Uni-
versity Challenge game show take off, the
old and new V.C. were stuck squarely on
the satirical skewer. ’

However, this sharp edge of cun-
ning and provocative parody was all too
often missing. Ent[...]he game, but University Re-
vues are meant to try and get away with
murder. Aren’t they?

One skit se[...]rld.

Chaff 4 May 1983 Page 18

He should come and see this Revue
and have his mind put at rest. This is not
to take ch[...]id ‘

on the night, but featured nice interplay
and good ideas. “Bar Room Drawl” was a
primmer one wind up transformed by
great parodic playing (and Neil Potter's
giggling). And "Computer Lecture" was a
jargon cut up of fine conception and exe-

Bruce Rapley is a top stand up co-
mic. His re-working of the McPhail and
Gadsby Royal Nanny skit was a thor—
oughly professional one man
and brought the house down. But as with
the “Two Ro[...]ating their angelic
daughter for “staying home" and being

Broomfield’s best effort was “One
Day in the Park”; it was neat, funny and
local, and tinged with a real slapstick qua-

Simon[...]s they were on.

Of the rest, some was excellent,
and some was weak stuff peppered with
the odd bright[...]llions of them about. Jeremy

Corbett's top-hosed and walk short lectu-
rer was one. The expected Fred[...]s. Perhaps Massey really is a nice com-
fy place? And New Zealand too?

I don’tthink so. There’s a wealth
of strange behaviour, rigid lines and war-
ped normality 'right here - just wait[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (16)[...]er, the cons-
tant stream of brick wall scenarios and
going cloth ear situations led them tode-
part fo[...]k
Harvey (drums), Rowland '5’ Howard (gui-
tar) and Tracey Pew (bass).

Living in England only served[...]despite devastating disc
though support from Peel and 4AD buf-
fered disappointments.

In late ’80, a[...]ey were now bigger
than Zep, boosted both coffers and mo—
rale. While there, they recorded the semi-
nal “Prayers on Fire”, which broke both
hearts and necks while exposing the
band's deeper darker dan[...]t London like a suppository in the
anus of apathy and proceeded to give

~Ye sterdays

the country an Alka Selzer enema. Their
audience swelled and live performances
became ferocious rituals of frenzy and
confrontation as the possessed Cave drove
his six[...]by the squalor 'of
London’s Maida Vale, Harvey andand reconstructed slightly askew.

. There followed a return to Austra-
lia for a revoltingly successful andand revelation.

“Junkyard” stands as an indespen[...]o captivated
the audience with some of her antics and
on-stage movement.

The Legionnaires had a rather[...]professionally with
excellent backdrops, lighting and sound

Despite a considerable wait, the
McArtney’s Flamingos, Brazier’s Album,
and current Legionnaire tunes. Each song
was professionally presented by the ac-
complished musicians and the front half
of the bar was packed with people;[...]high-
light for many was “Billy Bold" (Brazier)
and the crowd were treated to extra time
with an enco[...]band’s prowess had boot-boys.
heavy metallers, and boogie-boys/girls on
the floor from start to fini[...]fic songwriters).

Expect an LP out by Christmas
(and a solo LP from McArtney) and look
out for new singles/EP’s.

Russell Farmery

- some,

discord and even music, it is the product
of warped pre-apoca[...]oy Phil to Pysche-
delic Furs, Mick donned sticks and the
group fled to Berlin 'in search of new pas-
tures further afield in which to plant their
bad seed. And the four song "The Bad
Seed" is the fruit of the[...]tive, economic'

drumming work alternatively with and
against the music as the noise pulses,
throbs, grinds andand flashing on
the carpet. The moody tension of “D[...]emerging soaked
from three days lost in the swamp and
happening on a “funeral swinging” via a


Modern dance is an increasingly
popular form of art and into New Zea-
land’s expanding arena of dance c[...]Pizazz is a must.

Responsible for the direction and
all choreography of the twelve member
group is La[...]e an accomplished choreographer,
working movement and music together
harmoniously. The extensive progra[...]contemporary cho—
reography of “Jumping Jive" and “Don’t

'7" a}; JS/f/fl Caf /////¢—'
£35[...]al language that performs an autopsy
on the blues and creates a monster of
frankly Frankensteinian prop[...]undeniable ability to com-
bine passion, torture and smouldering
flesh. This hysterical love-sick sad*st of a
song hits again and again through a haze
of tears and blood, pleading, demanding,
”fingers down the t[...]otional, emotive terror.... the trauma

_ of love and the love of trauma.

The Birthday Party continue[...]See the Birthday Party, with the

Marching Girls andand the Skeptics, tomor<
row at the Social Hall, Mass[...]e.

Stop Me Now", set to the music of Joe
Jackson and Queen. The use of live
percussion in “African Trilogy" and flam-
enco guitar in “Tango Duet” is not widely
used in dance but draws the two
music and dance, closer.

The two solo dances by Fuller dis[...]graphy,
gave the performer, as both choreographer
and dancer, freedom for his own move-
ment in a spont[...]r’s dances were experiments
in movement, design and contrast, rather
than vehicles for social or mora[...]four male
members of the group as three macho
men and the not-so-macho Cyril, humour-
ously trying to p[...]s.
“Highly Strung” was danced by Lance
Fuller and Peter Malcolm clad in clown-
like costumes. Here, the seemingly unco-
ordinated movements and facial expres-
sions provided the laughs.

The on[...]y regret it.

, The dancers obviously have talent
and potential, but as a professional com-

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (17)[...]storm

Has found out thy bed

Of Crimson Joy ’

And his dark secret love

Does thy life Destroy.

Thi[...]960’s, to the thorny rock bands of
the 1970’s andand the politician have yielded their sharp
cynicism and law to nip in the bud the
growth of the Rose. I am Pearl Diver and
this is the Wrath of the Rose.

Once upon a t[...]enue was the
host tognational pop heros Lee Grant and
Ray Columbus and the Invaders, and the

The Flares were the pioneers of
the Showband Set with a slick line up of
guitars, and jazz drums, and a brass sec-
tion led by Warren Burgess on jazz t[...]Johnny
McCormack, with his swept back hair style
and winkle picker boots captured the ad-
miration of[...]"their playing seems to cap-
ture much freshness and spontaneity of
the traditional jazz bands.

‘ T[...]riendly .

,Teenagers Club, the Flamingo .Cabaret
and Rikkis.

V Coffee bars and church halls were
available ,to popsters and their fans. The
Sorrento, Continental and The Starlite
coffee Ibunges provided daytime ente[...]the Flower Power Era in Palmer-
ston North.

1964 and the Rose City was rust-
ling with the growth of Flower Power.
The Simple Image and Ahmed Dahmen
were two further bands to nurture th[...]e pop cir-
cuit. The Rockets Pictones, Billy T.K.
and Powerhouse and the Avengers were
creating a chapter of the Rose[...]he Cyclones re-named themselves
Sounds Unlimited, and this hit, Tar and
Cement, rocketed to the top of the New
Zealand charts and Won the band success

Live night time[...]move allowed late night hotel
drinking. The clubs and cafes closed,
bands dispelled, and silence descended
upon the town.

One band of Ros[...]hey developed
a sound that eclipsed many national and
overseas acts. This band was the Ouincey
Conserve[...], the need for the return
of night music was seen and acted upon.
The Awapuni Hotel was one of the first

~ pub venues, and the, Sound of Four was
formed. This band, underwe[...]name changes from Sound of Four t

doors to bands and the growth
City Rock resumed.

'These were the un[...]he Seventies - Blert \

’ aight. The Albert and the Regent becaniéj

established haunts for heavy metallers
and. remained regular rock venues.
the end of the 1970's.

From the Rogues Gallery of r

lit clubs-and heavy metal of the 1970

the Rose changes it’s[...]a venue for underground bands.
Interest spiralled and in 1981, El Clubbo
swung into controversial sound[...]Naked Spots Dance, The
Life in the Fridge Exists and The Wall

_ In 1981, El Clubbo was well[...]r-
ground bands. - The Urge, Minute ‘Men,
Blitz and remnants of Lost Cause were
some ’of the bands[...]the quagmire of pub bands.
As El Clubbo’s fame and appeal grew, so
grew the rage of the nearby Dahli[...]iegi§iators. Among the survivors were

The Urge and Lost Cause. Members from

these two bands formed[...]es of originality. This rare talent is

he lyrics and track titles. The Minute

, ~4_ penned such image[...]0's, the
Pedestrians. '

conspiracy, embezzlement and ,
‘nt management forced El Club- -

, ,/:._[...]grnaterial. Two tracks, Same Place, ‘
SamefTime and Better Left Unsaid de- ,
monstrate a promising di[...]with a venuefor
dance, while Milkshake, Alley-00p and
Ruff Diamonds satisfied the enduring de-
mand for rock and roll. Snatch is a band
that successfully combines[...]toire, with their Cloverlea audi-

ence will know and like. Finding a venue '

for Snatch at least, has[...]ible Worms, intox-
icated with the power of rules and regu-

lations. The plight of future alternative[...]to be an outlet for altern-
ative music, theatre and poetry - a gallery
of human exhibition. The geniu[...]nters a bad

neighbour, it will take up its house and ,

move away.

And so, the tale of Rose City Rock
has been told. The[...]back on
the map as_a viable tour stop. The clubs
and cafes have disappeared, but still the
growth of t[...]have related the Wrath of the
Rose. ‘

Research and presentation - Jenny-
Ann _Driver, with, poet, critic and politi-
cian, Douglas Standring.

Production Assi[...]ts:

, To Peter Cooke, for research assis-
tance, and to 22A studios forproduction
and to Radio Massey for air play. Finally
to John McCormack, Mike Griffin and
Mike Mie’rs and the Old Boys Brigade of
Rose City Rock Musicians.

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (18)[...]ontact with the student popula-
tion of the town" and getting a good foll-
owing at the Majestic in 1979. They used
to be called Trek and original line-up was
Mike Miers (keyboards), Alan Currie (bass)
Kevin Downing (guitar) and Paul Vile
(drums). '

' Snatch were made in the M[...]meone
who decided that he didn't want a rock
band and he gave us»a month's notice. We
had no trouble g[...]Snatch have been at the Cloverlea
for three years and now charge $2 on the,
door. "Sadly, it’s very d[...]arting out afresh to get org-
anised financially, and getting your foot

in.” ”To be a successful b[...]e familiar

with, so they’ll like the band more and

attract more people.”

Unfortunately, band[...]use we are a
band playing in one spot continually-and
there’s not sufficient people who would
be inte[...]it is a lot easier to
learn two covers per week, and create a
turnover of music every two or three
mon[...]original multi-synth material-
It has sold about 500 copies locally. More
recording, however, is plan[...]st ever." ‘

”At that time, there was just us
and The Urge had just started. There was
basically ju[...]almerston North "

bands. We played opening night and we
were rough as hell. But we came down
with quit[...]eptics - David (voice), Robin(guitar)
Nick (bass) and Wooms (drums). “We ack-

nowledge the mixer (Gr[...]but a lot of people just don’t seem to like

us and they like to try and stuff us around i ,1

at gigs. It's happened a lo[...]“ the Skeptics .are really just an is- l

land, and what goes on in that island is

the product, our[...]h each performance simply as that, a
performance, and made everything new
and spontaneous. Routine playing in a
pub produces mu[...]d Palmerston North home

— Choice of four mains and entrees

_ Group arrangements at $20 per h[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (19)[...]rs to be that women
are the ones who get pregnant and in this
society are expected to take primary res-[...]st in
ensuring unwanted pregnancies do not
occur. And so most women remain con-
tracepted up to the eye[...]methods of
birth control are designed for women.
And most of these methods are effective
at a high cos[...]to women given that there are no side-eff-
ects and it is very effective, and yet it is
the Pill which is freely prescribed whe[...]drug has been
marketed with so many side-effects and
so little warning to the prescriber and u-
ser. Its research history is marked with in-
competence, inadequacy and disregard
for the health of the women using it.[...]the problem of fertility
control has been solved and only stupid
women get pregnant. The reality is th[...]nly be temporarily comfortable with.
For physical and/or emotional reasons
one method of contraception[...]assert this choice
are considered irresponsible, and "deserve
to get pregnant”. Men who refuse or si[...]control ap-
pears to be a masculine prerogative. And
men who choose to remain uninformed
about alterna[...]fer-
tility is taken completely out of her
hands and planted firmly in those of her
doctors. The other[...]contraceptive drug
four times a year, not daily, and thereby
remove herself from the constant conflict
of what such drugs may mean for her
body and mind.

Incidentally, Depo is an effective
contrac[...]ost methods demand that we face
the conflict over and over again, everyday.
What we can do is ensure th[...]ith the contraceptive methods currently
available and their usage. Another invalu-
able resource is the[...]alia), ”Our Bodies,
Ourselves" (New York, 1971) and to the
women at the 1982 National Womens

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (20)[...]ere were about
20 remits to be discussed. History and ex-
perience has shown that one hour is a
gross under-estimation of the time requi-
red to discuss and pass/defeat even a mo-
dest number of remits. Cou[...]There are' those of us out there
that are angry and confused about this
total degradation of all men[...]erious as rape in order
to publicise their warped and twisted
points of view. An example - recently
whi[...]l feminists out
there, get a big black dog up you;and to
all you women out there genuinely con-
cerned[...]was also used against Jews etc. in
Nazi Germany, and look what happened

What[...]f behaviour your hypocriti-
cal seers prophesise, and are indeed, as
equally as dreadful and angered as you
women are?

It’s a crying‘sham[...]ose, the sh*t has hit the
fan; the rot has set in and trust, kindness,
etc. will be no more between man and
woman (sh*t, how I hate seeing that

if[...]rich re-
ward: the total unbiased support of men,
and really, that is who you should be try-
ing to con[...]don’t you try it
sometime? ' '

Yours etc.
Budd and Brodd


I write to Chaff in the hope t[...]tudents have been
Subjected to the soul-searching and indis-
criminate surveys and questionnaires of
pyschology and sociology students.

Sir/Madam, I beg of you - Pl[...]peace to meander through our
chemistry equations and physics prob-

We can not - instantly - sup[...]s; Bill Greenfield, ads; Bernie
Dobbie, drawings; and Mark E. Guntren-
Kreig, Steve Turner, Maxine Park[...]ded because of the nature of the
charge is absurd and dangerous. Perhaps
you could enlarge on your theme and give

then press with all the obvious objectivity[...]NTER COMING 0N. SEE OUR EXCELLENT


— REFLECTOR ANKLETS AND TAPE[...]al of the 20th April
1983, claims that my partner and l "are
the only ones to defend rapists in court".[...]arged
with an offence is entitled to a fair trial
and to be represented at that trial.

Your use of the[...]ment “scruples rule”
suggests that Les Atkins and myself have
no scruples because we defend[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (21)[...]nce. They
put this down to need for more practice
and more fire in their play.

The B’s play was much improved
and they had a 1—0 win over Huia Gold.
Their positional play and passing was good
and a larger winning margin was deserved.
Goal scoring ability and individual skills
need to be worked on, but overa[...]unately our results this
week are small in number and l apologise
for their scarcity.

The A's had a go[...]after the break gave our team the
7-‘l win.

and is showing more promise with each

Our D te[...]not put

enough pressure on their slightly tired
and slow opposition.

The Mincers drew 3-3 in their
Old Girls C. '

The Mincers played Kia Toa and
won 8-0. Fiona Gunn played well and
scored two goals. Karen Campbell and
Karen Gow both scored two goals each,
while Debbie Walters and Sue Walker sco-
red the other two.


Yes, M[...]e hot box
has a capacity for about two dozen bods
and is available for group bookings or you
can use it[...]he day. (At the moment,women’s
days are Tuesday and Thursday, men's
days are Monday and Wednesday). Block
bookings for any time at all wi[...]on a regular basis. Good for
bringing out bruises and discussing team

If you have any problems and
especially constructive criticism, come up
and see me'(Richard Mills, Sports VP.)
and we can then plan for better utilization
of this f[...]ng that you are?
Or do you just want to look cool and feel

Well, the Sports Centre has for
sweat[...]able in this years winter fashion col-
ours (blue and grey while the tshirts are
white with a blue trim[...]with students in mind; $15 for sweatshirts
/pants and $6 for a t-shirt. Check out
these prices!

Squash and Badminton racquets
for hire.

Squash balls and shuttle co*cks for

If you like to play but[...]from the Sports Centre.

Racquets for hire.
Balls and co*cks for sale.

All from your Sports Centre!!



Full range Europa products and accessories

Full workshop services (inclu[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (22)[...]??

The Careers Information Service
will get you and recruitment officers
from N.Z.’s largest compan[...]Sign up now at the Information
Office, Registry, and be included in ca-
reers newsletters, latest information on
job Vacancies, and of course job inter-

Your future may be c[...]a! fru'lory


Mcm/m of [WM 0) xi-u- xiii/and 2

25.1 Roxburg/z (Inns. Fl: 71300
% (Oijuahim' S[...]mm

prices - slaz'm'd, painter! and unlir/m'

EDIE among

EEH[...]men want raised at May

-' Womens Evening and Workshop
during the Arts Festival

- self-defence[...]1

Lack of sleep tends to aid this sort of

Cook and Fouveaux could have been

The great unwashed had[...]m in NZ.

* Post Colonial developments in
SE Asia and the South Pacific.

Congress Theme: “Women and
Development in the Third World."

MASSEY UNIVERSI[...]alf of the Fijian commun-
ity in Palmerston North and in Fiji, MUFA
expresses it hearfelt gratitude to[...]IEWS



includes meals and accom-


If you intend to go to ISC. Con-[...]chers College, muttering to myself
about the cold and inconvenient hour of
6.15 for the Broadsheet Road[...]ive
member. The cast consisted of five talen-
ted and poweful womin, Margaret Blay,
Bernadette Doolan, Angela Boyes-Barnes,
Jess Hawk Oakenston, and Hilary King
aided only by two guitars, various other
musical instruments, dramatic lighting by
Phee and a hell of a lot of conviction.

The messages put[...]they were pertinent. Music, hu-
mour, caricature and sobriety were com‘


muauamnua a mi

bined to achieve maximum effectiveness.
The first and last song, "Asking for it”,
talked of womin's C[...]hite
male dominance through arrogance, pu-
berty, and Mr Muldoon were all topics of
reproach and ridicule and the result was
amusing, yet the deeper meanings were
never lost.

After the official show was over,
and the atmosphere was more relaxed, we
were treated[...]rmal concert.
Each of the five womin - plus Renee and
Phee, said a bit about themselves and re-
cited a poem, and/or sung a song. The ta-
lent present with those w[...]o the Broadsheet Road-
show feeling extremely bla and rather
blue. I came out along with my sisters,
feeling exhilerated, defiant, strong and



I I1 ‘
. r

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (23)[...]e of thevconditions 0 Low interest loans up to $1.500 —
of “BNZ Campus Pack”. The rest are e _ F[...].. . PAYMENTS

Call into our on-campus branch andandand

0 Free cheque accounts — no bank UP TO $500 ' I A V n i V T . Valuables
charges 3 — auto[...]ut charge. We’re right here on campus. Call in, and

ask Frank Wong

or Ron van Deelen
for a BNZ Campus Pack brochure.


* Bank[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (24)[...]lance of'Payments (BOP) deficit on
overseas trade and borrowing, and the
governments own budget deficit.

. For the ye[...]That’s almost 7% of the
Gross Domestic Product, and is highly in-
flationary. ReCent estimates put th[...]over-
comes this is through borrowing, both here
and overseas. Overseas . borrowing only
worsens the BOP situation, throUgh inter-
est bills and repayment of the debt. The
governments overseas,[...]P deficit will be some
$2000 million by mid year, and this is the
main economic problem for the govern-[...]odities, mainly for export.
First goldfthen wool, and since World
War Two, meat, wool and dairy products.
We acted as a large farm for Brit[...]is is the situ-
ation now, with both poor markets and
low prices for our agricultural produce.
While th[...]ment acts. The govern-
ment has chosen inflation, and not unem-
ployment as its main priority. As such,[...]have been
cutting real wages (such as the freeze) and
restricting borrowing (Such as the Kiwi
stock) to[...]ptember 1981 , counting in—
flation since then, and even taking the so-
called tax-'cuts’ into acco[...]a big drop
in profits, a big drop in production, and
hence a huge rise in unemployment.

Just a few facts show what is hap-

- between June and September
1982, retail sales fell by 2.9%. Between
September and December 1982, they fell
a further 4.5%

— by M[...]t level since surveys of it- began 22 years

And the result:

— in'the last three months of 1982[...]aland public.
With theeconomic situation we face, and
deliberate government policy worsening
the situat[...]of
import cuts hit home.

Lower demand for goods and ser-
vices has seen a fall in production. Even if[...]ation of current policies, singling out
inflation and ignoring the rest of the eco-
nomy, is not a solu[...]of a pro-
blem. »

Some employers have proposed,
and some unions accepted, a four day
week to save job[...]ion either.
Car workers in both the United States
and Britain found the four day week was
soon followed[...]ss work is
done, work rates are simply increased,
and production remains the same. The
only difference is workers have 20% less
pay, hence less demand etc., and the spi- '
ral starts all over again. v

The best[...]n of current levels,
preventing further lay-offs. And yes, it
will increase inflation by about 2‘/2%.[...]at 11.1/2%, slightly in-
creased living standards and 100,000 un~
employed, or, 9% inflation, no wage rise,
lower living standards and 150,000 out.of
work by August this year.

Which optio[...]eneral Vice President

is a

Valuable Asset


will he in attendance

in the foyer outside

the cafeteria and shop.

12 noon to 2 pm.

MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY[...]ut you can use it to get a
loan, to obtain credit and to accumulate funds.

Chaff 4 May 1983 Page 27

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (25)[...]particularly
some of the criticisms of Masskerade and
Chaff itself. You guys sound like typical
in there you critics.

your financial status and if you have any
complaints, let him know. Maybe this will
give him the evidence he needs and help

. you.

Mark E. Guntren-Kreig
PAYING UNDERD[...]I went to the Citizen Band dance
the other night and I really enjoyed it.
Both bands were good and people were
having a good time. The lights on dow[...]eginning to ex-
perience - with high unemployment and
low morale, tertiary education can be a
stop gap[...]eople getting
free drinks from friends on the bar and
others sneaking in free. I know it’s nice
and hospitable to look after your friends
but I think[...]late night music. Quentin for his
high standard, and Phil and Andy who
have improved out of sight since their i[...]your letter. I feel that one of the most
unique, and in fact one of the best attri-
butes of student r[...]anyone can
have a go. It offers anyone the chance
and adds to the soul of the radio. The di-
verseness[...]ed. I feel that she
quite often offers good music and good
show content, so what’s a few gaps. Who
ha[...]ut she made mistakes at
first, so too, did Marian and Ken and

everyone, you don’t attack them.

Secondly, you fused both her roles
i.e. that of Station Manager and D.J. and
run her down as if not being so good at
one mean'[...]the contrary, she has done a good job as
Manager and helped set up a working co-
mmittee that can only[...]others, Dave, Ken,
Kathryn, Don (no longer here) and Rod.
But I’m replying to your letter).

Thirdly[...]bring the Manager closer
to others in the station and better for rel-
ations. She wasn’t sure whether[...]uncing ability, as | feel Maxine isn’t
that bad and doesn't make any more mis-
takes than other peopl[...]r who puts records on at the
wrong speed, has ums and ahs.

P.S. I’d like to offer my congratulations[...]you have con-
fused the roles of station manager and
announcers. As station manager, my pri-
mary concerns are with the organisational
and administrative nature of Radio Mas-
sey 1269. To[...]f the fact
that Radio Massey is a STUDENT station
and that one of our major aims is to int-
roduce stud[...]tion would not operate

' without student support and involve-

ments. As such, we must expect that new
DJ's will not necessarily have the experi-
ence and associated competence of old
hands. Further, we are not a ’professional’
station and monitoring new announcer’s
progress adds to the[...]t your motive was based
on trying to discredit me and furthering
your own nest. | welcome feedback'on
a[...]e after.

Ken Elliott is now Programme Di-
rector and has some excellent plans for
the development of R[...]m-
mittee, these being Dave Paris, Kathryn
Asare, and Ken Elliott?

Radio Massey is planning on
broadca[...]t in the radio
station. It’s your radio statiOn and if you
want to become involved, come along.

Maxi[...]io is a chance for ama-
teurs to get a go. As Don and Ian over the
years have shown. now professionals.[...]laint poured into

,Chaff. Perhaps next year Ram 'and Mass-

kerade should swop places as Ram easily
contains the material needed to keep Ag-
gies and Dippies etc. happy!

A puzzlement did aris[...]


Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (26)[...]Vol. 50 No 9 ,4 May 1983[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (27)[...]Invaders machines. 8,500 games have been[...]the compen-
ious University Students Associations and[...]out to Paul Chase's de facto
discuss policy aims and methods. Activi-[...]lowing his murder. She was given
ties, priorities and budgets for term 11 are
$6,000 and 60% of his weekly income. If Greetings and good F. Well yes r'ovement all over campu[...]or folks, the first term is about to end and most supportive of the Womens Collec-
mond,[...]be able to find some time those who signed and supported the light-
ield, Cathy Ellis, Emily Dui[...]· Claire Crawley, the Housing Sem-
Kreig, and Rodney Aanensen . I will re-[...]inar worker, and I have been asked to at-
port for Chaff.[...]Dance Exponents and The Diehards.[...]gy and the dickhe*ds tried hard on Mon-[...]the City Council to
International, Women, Finance and Admin.[...]esolving the housing problems of low in-
Welfare and National . The four standing[...]tightening up on the door and the bar.[...]s take some issues further; na-
tional education and welfare, women's[...]u bods out there are hav-
action, public affairs and national over-· bands - Birthday Party and Marching Girls[...]Thursday 5th May starting at 8.00 tive and other committed persons will be[...]Association and the University go halves[...]commission, education and welfare, fin-[...]ance and Administration, International[...]and national affairs.[...]y doing a few llor, a recreation officer and the creche 1 ) to consider relevant new policy . .
varsity you get less than $50 weekly .. if hours of lectures a we[...]iscussion, an am- 2) to decide activities and priorities for
you're at home you get all of $27. And obviously sign such a declaration honestly. ended motion was put and passed to the term 2.
the dole? Upwards[...]3) revise NZUSA budget and allocate acti-[...]effect that MUSA do accept 50% of the
wonder what this country values, doesn't[...]it would be wise to look at tion officer and creche manager. This im-[...]levy over and above the $54 Students As-
fit you have to be available for full-time and it is unlikely tht they will argue with socia[...]Mandy Whyte and I will be runn-[...]erm. vil rights and running a series of articles,
when they have dis[...]papers could have a benefit you and demonstrate that you are looking[...]ley and I pointed out the various areas be removed[...]Have a good holiday and enjoy[...]been utilized and there should be an imp-[...]unemployed and underemployed. Many out the addition o[...]bad, if not worse, next summer and stu- is no other option." -[...]scheme age done to students and the community' . made a good effort, but ca[...]our prediction that 10,000 stu- landers, and the Government must step in
land University Stud[...]to wait and see," Mr Arthur said.[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (28)[...]omy Australia, but the Solomons and Papua
Fraser spoke for the "small nations" at[...]nation struggles land owning, plantations and exploita- land rights and laws, and gives Kanaks a where a solution[...]ers", according to greater ec;:onomic, social and developmen- The implicat[...]blems with the Melanesian is dependence and yet it won't stop Cal- lands[...]New Hebrides, and New Caledonia all ha-
troops served - in New Cale[...]the Marquesas, Tuamotus, and other Ta-
alism - but now we support the French[...]colonies' military value and will oppose
The situation in New Caledo[...]nukes.
population of about 150,000, Kanaks[...]are in a majority, and Kanaks mourn ra-
ists and including 2,500 hardened expat-[...]The mood for
11,000 Indonesians, 5,000 Tahitians and[...]t how the change will
some Wallisians, Vietnamese and West In-[...]in coming, and it might have to be bloody.
Most of the[...]A new constitution is expected this year,
of a 50,000 strong workforce) are Kanaks .[...]and a scenario suggests political indepen-[...]iste because we
They were stripped . of political and civil crude, simple people", according to Fra[...]vernment, who now champion and we proceed from there. Our fight
"Kanaks[...]ers in their own country. We were nections and are well armed. There are ternational foru[...]is a fight for dignity and life."
shoved into reserves when the French set-[...]police were killed in January and whites
leader, N. Naisseline.[...]dependence strug- have rioted and attacked the Territorial
The island of New Caledonia has generation and can no more live in France gles in New Caled[...]alau as well as land issues forms and Kanak independence.
part of the greater European[...]• :, 1 The whites might have the guns,
and are not prepared to face the wealth,
education and political imbalances that[...]them on. As the gap between Kanak and
have kept them downtrodden to date.[...]even less avenue for negotiation, and
The independence faction revolves[...]the highlighting of injustice, and second,
1982. The Vice President of the council,[...]ents to stand up to our pressures.
dence movement and is aware of the need[...]ine. We're going to
for solidarity among Pacific, and especially[...]hen, be clearer.
tion, including Papua New Guinea and for Caldoches. The trading-post type e[...]Kanaks want to be in control. And they[...]c Forum, of which will.
Solomons and encompassing two million· nomy - the pr[...]And the spin off may be that[...]from both Pacific islanders and American[...]ndependence can be
emerging between New Caledonia and[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (29)[...]s which operate
fied, without a murmur about drug and[...]outside the Association and with little
alcohol habits, and mis-use of student[...]the Sports Centre and a Creche manager.
defence of a man charged with r[...]retary, Treasurer and all vice-presidents,
expose and raise consciousness about the[...]· Co. as auditors, and Coopers and Lybrand[...]Coopers and Lybrand are MUSA's accoun-[...]tants from last year · Barr, Burgess and[...]seconder for two, and then the mover's
problem of sexuai harassment. Mr[...]1982's Treasurer Bruce Taylor and Organisational V.P. Max Parker

ARTS FEST T[...]grin- truly action-packed with buskers, art and Taranaki Sol and Ralph Bennett ing our multitudes, so I[...]for fatigue, restlessness and discontent- type line-up, are in fact from our very
and things are !eally starting to hot up.[...]u a glimpse into the file of what Gallery and what better place to give the night. There is[...]quired for such a truly art- ked Spots Dance' and 'The Stones'. 'Naked
off on Friday 17 June. The t[...]champagne brekkie in the square and fol- perform in Palmie for quite some time
s[...]nto the spirit of such goings on. clowning and puppeteering, bone carving,[...]poetry and dance. Confirmation on a[...]and chess etc. not to mention balloon[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (30)[...]ears, pants by way of speakers, workshops and Scripture, Community; L[...]people live in is very important and gives Liturgy, Ecumenism,[...]follow the tea- tion, Music and Liturgy and Unemploy-
travelling to the gathering. The overri[...]ear Free Pacific held a meeting food chains and people. Americans and vV>,, • · · / r/17/-;t°[...]c:;, _people share similar joys and difficulties
in SS6. Those who put in an appearan[...]formed and retarded children, high death[...]rates from cancer and lymphatic
ecological crisis following such a war miscarriage and radiation sickness. (This[...]anet. includes burns, loss of hair, cancer and national community and indeed, the world We are of necessity social beings and our[...]them.
ism with both the USSR and the US show- that racist American military and political This range of community is[...]useful experimental da- three main speakers and the workshops . opport[...]e, will speak one as He and the Father are one, for us
trident submarines (ea[...]on "Community and Reconciliation"; Je-[...]Massey - time is short and people still stick ramentality of Community" and the Rev- Anyon[...]for us down here in a global tive perception and apathy. Massey Stu-[...]Challenge in previous years and been
Universities against each other to deter- that with the same organization and This year's prizes have yet t[...]of getting a team able to retain the title. and useful.[...]any one programme two teams WHEN , WHERE AND HOW? In ai::ld[...]knowledge, eg in History, or in
questions on a wide range of topics from will be vid[...]verage of as many areas as
Music - both Classical and up to 1983, used for rehearsals. purchase the team jerseys and fund the possible. There is no point in having 4
Physical and Biological Sciences, Current[...]. So the all the history questions but nothing
and Television, Sport; you name it and return air travel for each contestant[...]including history.
There are two kinds of questions. Accommodation is provided at Otago[...]the right to answer University hostels, and is paid for by team jersey.[...]So we expect to see you at the
bonus questions by attempting to answer TVNZ. So the whol[...]trials, and if you know someone who
starter questions. Once an individual nothing.[...]m one team has successfully answer-
ed a starter (and gained 10 points) then University C[...]Tuesday June 7th
3 bonus questions, each worth 5 points, competition, most o[...]the other freely, have a great time and thoroughly[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (31)[...]Complaints, criticisms and digs can be

SHOOTING co*ckIES[...]carrying guns. fm not referring to the and frequently cr.ies of "pull your co*ck D[...]the pieces up, in thos.e in- out of your ear" and pull your finger out
Re your article last[...]not hear (his co*ck was still in his ear) and Burr 20/4/83. Anyone who uses the word[...]farmers who It's an American cops and robbers pro- ways than one) continued pr[...]gramme on T.V. If that programme is And they lived unhappily for ever after. m[...]hang out with the merely showing bits and pieces of Ame-[...]otential. The very word 'penetration'
most select and peculiar bunch of co*ckies rica's nasty,[...]lly goes on. Of course GETHER. Stop the crap and other trendy · a passive reeipient. F[...]what a male imagines his to be. And if it's
have amazed many people by your cons-[...]ssed it doesn't help the Police image, and that
him off.[...]that are insulting and offensive to various
crowded local pub and shoot the ceiling[...]groups and individuals. I wish that every-
down? Do they hav[...]one would keep their hurtful views and
crime? Are these murderers tillers of the[...]haps you could even use your editorial
ally raid and seize?[...]ing, thought-provoking articles and letters
And as for your deep seated mis-[...]Yours facetiously
Thomas' cries of innocence, and he sed). To become editor, one[...]ve been P.P.S. The Exploited (of "Sex and Vio-
you're nothing but a pontificating moron and was generally disliked by the peasants two ra[...]the intel- be supporting mindless violence and the
the seat back on.[...]of understanding of PILLOCKS AND PATRONS[...]the realities of rape and a very selfish, de-[...]o write these articles Gals scratch mix' and the Super Liquor
27 /4/83. Would you wish to have[...]especially tion. The crowd was large and non-aggro,
wouldn't have much say in the matter.[...]non-offensive.
You'd be directed to disturbance, and ar-[...]e Awareness Week tries to fo- sell lime and waters - the people that or-
gang fight. Someone[...]cus attention on the reality of rape and der that kind of drink are just drug fi[...]job, so much so on the victim. We have pages and pages of people who had "funny" hairstyl[...]do believe them, then
Remembering Do's and Don'ts in[...]were Christmas and so he decided to print I suggest you are fri[...]them whenever he wrote an article, he and probably scared of some facet of your
if you realise, under the uniform and[...]order the wrnng type of drink.
who feels fear, and has a very strong urge · and would make these known to those
to survive. A c[...]tatement, e.g. in the 27th April edition, ped and beaten by her boyfriend. She was the la[...]here he interpre- hospitalised by her injuries and four years rons unless they are under aged[...]could, say "she asked for offensively, and extremely drunk.
years, 10 years ago. Today's society (NZ) ally unrespectable, have long hair and are it."[...]was ari outstanding feat of perception and sense on an important issue. Liquor Man deserves to be blacklisted.
creasing), and a lot more firearms used by
criminal elements, and your everyday for his effo[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (32)[...]tory, the modern period is MAORI AND INDIANS exploit natural res[...]is a case for ECOSOC attention.
the American and French Revolutions. White opp[...]housing is
America - the advocate of freedom and[...]In both countries, peoples of long cation and training by 45% and energy re-
to peoples subservient within its[...]colonial societies, bent on self-gain and employment is four -to nine times the na-[...]tigating a virtual Indian source of life and sustenance - the land - register at the wor[...]tral America. In support has been denied. And in both, it is now a cal indicators: High[...]heir tens of thou-
of its own cor.porations - and excused by source of contention. Indians ha[...]high cancer rate (especially among wo-
the US and its lacky Israel, is pumping their arable[...]The problem is that America is
arms and destruction into the countries and on Fletcher Challenge Board of Di- supplying arms - through Israel - to the
of El Salvador and Guatemala. Another "Indians are[...]m that of Maori, the Aborigine or Guatemala and El Salvador, to prevent
or the very thread of[...]Bellecourt says - is in "total solidarity and armed than the other, who then go and
cowboy actor and the plight of lndia.ns -[...]ival, for land and for the right to enjoy otherwise internecin[...]es of the land." military aid and assistance is perpetrating.
ly toured New Zea[...]And in the middle of it all, the In-
boy, frontie[...]dians, peasants, Ladinos, and workers are
·has rode into Central and South America[...]murdered, evicted and forced to live in[...],.11

of money cut from domestic and social[...]jU~';r{ if the immigrants have bee~ broken and 1~­ There is at present a "contain[...]Nicaragua going on, financed
dable commodity" and the resources of[...]and sllpported by the CIA. The US wants[...]United Nations Economic and Social become directly involved - as it has done[...]Central America -
of life. It can't be owned, and to harm it[...]ments relationships and understandings." · "Bellecourt urges pe[...]that should be discussed and solved, inter- rica next time they read or hear a[...]The Treaty of Waitangi is the mill-
see." And 100 years later, these same[...]y drawn up between legitimate
secution goes on and the destruction of[...]representatives of Northland Maori, and of this country.
the earth is threatened.[...]t~e British Government and has been Peter[...]aring the Air ity and pray for forgiveness, since murder vellous plan of redemption and reconcili- Crucial Stage for Judea and Samaria[...]s call to The battle for Judea and Samaria
of support for Israel has been eroded[...]of Jordan and President Mubarak of Egypt
this can be traced[...]ot halted soon, there will
The most widespread and damaging me- advanced the cause of pu[...]bution to human- the means of repentance and love. return 97% of Judea and Samaria and al-
and headlines, the media succeeded in ity.[...]uld become a
false impression of pre-meditated and ma- A Sentimental Spirit on the scriptures and not on romantic no- PLO state. Reagan's P[...]emarkable to see how righte- 1967 borders, and then bring about an
The Kahan Commis[...]are not tanks or
health of Israel's democracy and its moral become anti-Arab. This line of thinking and His faithfulness in keeping it that we planes, but international pressure and dip-
values. In fact, the Commission cited[...]trick of the enemy. In fact, can stand firm and not fall away in the lomacy directed ag[...]ts moral by accepting God's order of love and sup- time of testing. Many Christians are b[...]nation, one also af- nning to realise this and are becoming It is important to remember that
tion: If a slaim person is found and the firms the rightful place of the Arabs[...]their responsibility to both radical and so-called "moderate"
murderer is unknown, the[...]erall plan. (The ancient covenant speak out and influence, as far as possible,
nity is to ass[...]el was a starting point for a mar- the media. and government. contd o[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (33)[...]rly those involving Royalty,
and the broken treaty of Waitangi. The[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (34)[...]e police

as law breakers, criminals and undesir-
ables. Where is the freedom[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (35)[...]tres on well-documented disappear- coup and during the "war on subversives" dent Jorg[...]ere responsible for
science - those impri50ned and often bad- ances in randomly selected coun[...]federal judge has ordered
ly treated, tortured and executed all over object is not to pass jud[...]offi- "that the investigation be re-opened and
- •the world because of non-violent political '[...]d could play a vital part
or religious beliefs and activities, or simp- independent public invest[...]umstances. The medium for School officers and one of her feflow-
Letters requesting a[...]The could do a lot towards dissua-
prisoners and related publicity campaigns ·addresses su[...]ributed to the release of thous- 45 cents and a few minutes you can help 1978 Elena con[...]ssident can be- make the· world a more open and safe cerns about the Navy's activities to rela- their homes at night and imprisonment in
come more of an embarrassment i[...]e to live in. It has worked many ti_mes tives and friends, including her access to secret cam[...]ns involving Admiral placed formal arrest and official detention[...]she was abducted, and later found drow- victims in the past ha[...]and almost all have probably been tort-[...]campaign for an investigation into the
ly and surreptitiously against dissidents. death o[...]Although secrecy surrounding the
More and more people are simply 'disap- niece of[...]an investiga- of mude,rs during abductions and interro-
cies.[...]of Argentine Government secrecy and In-[...]groups and a visit to Argentina by dele-[...]dent inquiry into the case. fore and after the coup have been regular independe[...]ry forces, special security force·s in- ribed and to ensure that those found res-
her body was fo[...]ador. sands of disappearances, and violations of Police, and the Treasury Police. The Sal- sent to the[...]ontinue to maintain give the victim's name and the date and
Mrs Enriquez was until the time[...]d were carried place of death if known, and may cite
of her death, press secretary of the "[...]be reopened.
victims of human rights abuses and pub- be presumed to be likely beneficiar[...]focusing prevent further "disappearances" and ex-
had "disappeared" after being detained[...]on the case of Maria Enriquez, and hopes trajudicial executions.
without w[...]l sent a fact-finding mission to members and other concerned about the[...]itted Salvadorian authorities to establish and de la Republica Argentin[...]alvadorian security forces were OFFICIAL AND INDEPENDENT IN-[...]which visited re- OUI RY into her abduction and killing. If[...]ay - Balcarce 50
vadorian officials denied that the police[...]Buenos Aires C.F.
had detained Mrs Enriquez, and said that pected of opposition to the aut[...]prayer support, and remind you that "the ly, even those livin[...]Syri·a leaves the scene and Israel is then[...]. Israeli invasion of Syria, and its equally[...]O will continue its struggle inside Lebanon and are even positioned become a free and independent nation
until all of Palesti[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (36)[...]rs column is appall- in complaints and criticisms about their sed with tit* and a chip on our shoulder? (something) proof[...]'e'? If you feel ?, used at the end of questions and in
As for the remaining portion of[...]· Yours
tive, non-relevant .and boring one-sided of me. I am what I am and if they don't[...]The New Collins Concise
views and articles?[...]English Dictionary

And why doesn't Chaff become[...]re thought of with yourself, and not to worry about up the Student Assoc[...]As a devoted listener of Radio
who do (and don't) approve of this trash.[...]P.S. And to all those moaners - mind your[...]congratulations to Maxine Parker who has
And you students out there - don't o[...]per or guaranteeing excellent programming and
Yours disappointingly,[...]r's views, leading arti- Thanks a lot Max and everyone else[...], Lots of love, hugs and kisses
this pointless labour. Throw down your[...]FeeBee
pens. Wipe your furrowed brows, and stop[...]HAVE A SAY, IF YOU DON'T MIND?
you pick up pen and paper. STOP! I have SOAP AND THE LUNATIC FRINGE dogmatic, dog[...]wrong) is a position of responsibility and prejudice [pRejoodis] n. opinion or emo-[...]Ed
rag on I /83 and was shocked/bored/ Winging ab[...]got to do with us? I can just see Piet and udice, biased; distorted by prejudice.
biase[...]laws left, right and centre because some prejudicial [pRejoodis[...]Rubbish"/ priorities right and wake up to the fact The Penguin Engl[...]As for you, Mark Kreig, (and don't[...]preferences (and I very much doubt any- that establishes t[...]impression made from com- FOLLOWERS AND WITCHES
(Your mark he[...]t's all so very easy. your hole and f*ck up. artist or under[...]ad to know someone appreci-
Don't press too hard, and think before Oh, jus[...]al pr:inter. 8. Photog. a trial ates good music and not the commercial
you write - you _wouldn[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (37)[...]Week. Tickets $6.00 and all limited
pre-sales[...]3. Beneficiaries Action Group and
Women's Refug[...]hday Party" ,
"Marching Girls" and locals "Skeptics"
.. .. . ,.. This triple[...]those who exhibit originality and thei .:\{,
most startl[...],:':~~,;~.
to be ready and waiting on you island. ;:.~ - ~[...]st 1 a.m.
Supper, Dance and Drink.
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (38)[...]with groups such as the I RA and PLO. photos , that males might come and watch
MASSKERADE NO 'CESS-PIT'[...]not to absorb the mes- cists ? Do Leopold and Loeb dam n all[...]ot her respects, it is an excel-
tion to Bern_ie and Fitz for producing a lated till the l[...]ally deny were four pissed males, who whistled and
the cess-pits that have 'maskeraded' as[...]rson at Massey can - for
reall y enjoyed Penguins and Body Shapes. time". Does it also give[...]uthorities to subject those people mens issues and would like to learn , be t ime, place and offence, fair enough. I'll
However, a few more pa[...]d iscussion group to help us and others un-[...]ligent are now granted observer status at , and P.S. I'm always around if anyone would[...]Massey on Saturday night and, oh boy,[...]then put the motions forward Dear Chaff and Pete r,[...]on t he problems of women and mention whatsoever in any[...]AG M's ; and b) SG M's. How do we get po- in bot h New Zealand and the world .[...]one has both vot ing and speak ing ri ghts .[...]be won or lost on its t her minority, Chaff, and it wou ld ap pea r,
"THE OTHER SIDE[...]and paper and some silly pseudonym.[...]Christian one. (And we are a minority -
some of the rubbish that is b[...]t,, the wrong weeri Christians who are sincere and prac-
ciety can write it.[...]tising, and those who say they are in a unusual[...]and looking .forward to a hot shower, I
sh*t". You ar[...]hit the taps and after a full ten minutes of
merel y a media which[...]st wi thin society . We are subjected to and show their grievances. Many of the[...]~
happe ning. Chaff, and the articles in it, their point. Why not[...]food, and so I proceeded in the direction
the world. Any event that happens does form groups, both on and off campus, to[...]of Woolworths. After filling a trolley and
effect you, whether it happens in the Fitz[...]ff. wants to join> and to discussion,with any cuting man iacs .[...]bout were invisible), or (b) return home and
Chaff (if it had existed) the editor dee- this opportunity, no, they write and hide Jews or Polynesians, and I won't quote get some money. Although[...]man Rights Commission, and correctly so. of the two. Upon returning[...]these groups find it necessary the peace and anti-nuke movements, fem- him, I collid[...]ngs (not a contra· inism, anti-racism and Amnesty Interna- shattering the second[...]tional. Me, for one. Also, SCM, at least at and turning my car into what is known in
We[...]o do with it's size). All in all ,
on El Salvador and the Phillipines. Both But a good exampl[...]or at least' should do). They are ran away and I could use part of the insu-
USA VIJ Machine to[...]ncourage women who might feel intimi· And their neighbour - which .means YOU . win[...]oon ? males; and b) because a particular show,[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (39)[...]AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN the _age-old myth o[...]hrough their sexual powers
happy audience, and yet Citizen Band did[...]plastic is such a woman, she 'uses' her lover and
Had someone Chunn.<Jered in their[...]ards - one for the song and the other for ing envelopes in a factory, he[...]any other academy's, see her as destructive and wholly respons-[...]not her lover.
$1800 went to the main act and alcohol[...]hero) and Paula is the major theme of this tions.[...]ie. We see this relationship
Legionnaires, and C.B. have all reformed.[...]'great rom-
The lure of money, wine, fame and wo- (Zach's best friend) and Paula's friend, ance' is the final sequence[...]the barracks and motel rooms; it's all ra- and swoops her up into his arms. The[...]e warned about the predatory women cued and taken away by her knight in[...]Massey Drama Revue He should come and see this Revue Bruce Rapley is a top[...]made me want to ask certain question$. and have his mind put at ·rest. This is not mic. His re-working of the McPhail and "Steaming Fallacies" take off of Hot Gos[...]audience guffaws before the poo-faced
not? And does the university have any ertaining show - namely, the convention - and brought the house down. But as with perfo[...]and some was weak stuff peppered with
tensions[...]sn't quite fluid daughter for "staying home" and being
it's job as any systems analyst coul[...]The Revue produced laughter in abund- and good ideas. "Bar Room Drawl" was a[...]burst into fits at great parodic playing (and Neil Potter's Broomfield's best effort was "One Corbett's top-hosed and walk short lectu-
the slightest whiff of a joke. giggling). And "Computer Lecture" was a Day in the Park"; it was neat, funny and rer was one. The expected Fred Dagg[...]jargon cut up of fine conception and exe- local, and tinged with a real slapstick qua- Aggies the on[...]gh they were
But that doesn't stop questions cuti'oh.[...]teer-
ing clear of any risk or controversy and
reserving the only real naughtiness for[...]vided some of the evening's most pointed
and clever moments. Based around a Uni-
versity Challenge game show take off, the
old and new V .C. were stuck squarely on
the satir[...]The audience were universally
nin~ and provocative parody was all too[...]fy place? And New Zealand too?
vues are meant to try and get away with
murder. Aren't they?[...]of strange behaviour, rigid lines and war-
One skit set up a "stu[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (40)[...]untry an Alka Selzer enema. Their discord and even music, 1t is the product musical langua[...]Door", they began in audience swelled and live performances of warped pre-apocalypse minds. on the blues and creates a monster of
earnest (a Melbourne suburb) in 1977, became ferocious rituals of frenzy and[...]London's Maida Vale, Harvey and Cave[...]bine passion, torture and smouldering -
land, in 1980. A fire at B[...]nti-theme, delic Furs, Mick donned sticks and the flesh. This hysterical love-sick sadi[...]Berlin ·in search of new pas- song hits again and again through a haze
name change: to the Birthday[...]further afield in which to plant their of tears and blood, pleading, demanding,
thday Party are Nick[...]f Cave's psyche at bay. His pas- bad seed. And the four song "The Bad "fingers down th[...]where passion teeters into the realm of
tar) and Tracey Pew (bass).[...]of love and the love of trauma.
Living in England onl[...]ned Birth- Open wide.
though support from Peel and 4AD buf-
fered disappointments.[...]been rent drumming work alternatively with and See the Birthday Party, with the
In late '80, a whirlwind tour of and reconstructed slightly askew. against the music as the noise pulses, Marching Girls and the Skeptics, tomor-
Australia, where they were n[...]throbs, grinds and flexes . row .at the Social Ha.II, Massey Campus.
than Zep, .boosted both coffers and mo- There followed a return to Au[...]ed the semi- lia for a revoltingly successful and adulta- Onward, the irreverent "Wild W[...]ld" lurches obscenely, flicks ash, occa-
hearts and necks while exposing the "Junkyard", f[...]of aural ob- sionally lifting its skirt and flashing on
scenity, gyration, vibration and revelation. the carpet. The moody tension of "[...]sees Cave donning the Marching Girls and the Skeptics, tomor-[...]l celebra- from three days lost in the swamp and 8.00 p.m. Door sales $12. Don't miss this
ty hit London like a suppository in the
anus of apathy and proceeded to give tion; brimming with s[...]Jackson and Queen. The use of live[...]percussion in "African Trilogy" and flam-[...]popular form of art and into New Zea-[...]music and dance, closer.[...]Responsible for the direction and and dancer, freedom for his own move -[...]f dance music. It is a fairly heavy metallers, and boogie-boys/girls on[...]in movement, design and contrast, rather[...]olific songwriters). working movement and music together[...]f
member was the vocalist who captivated (and a solo LP from McArtney) and look[...]h four tutu-
the audience with some of her antics and out for new singles/EP's.[...]reography of "Jumping Jive" and "Don't[...]men and the not-so-macho Cyril, humour-
bands who have "m[...]professionally with
excellent backdrops, lighting and sound[...]Fuller and Peter Malcolm clad in clown-[...]ordinated movements and facial expres-
Despite a considerable wa[...]formance can only regret it.
and_ current Legionnaire tunes. Each song
was profess[...]ncers obviously hav~ talent
compl-ished musicians and the front half[...]and potential, but as a professional com-
of the bar[...]ingredients for show biz success - Pizazz!·
and the crowd were treated to extra time
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (41)[...]ble worm Sounds Unlimited, and this hit, Tar and the founder of the infamou[...]Zealand charts and won the band success ton N[...]Interest spiralled and in 1981, El Clubbo dance, while Milkshake, Alley-Oop and
Of Crimson Joy[...]Ruff Diamonds satisfied the enduring de-
And his dark secret love[...]the first bands to mand for rock and rol I. Snatch is a band
Does thy Iife Des[...]drinking. The clubs and cafes closed, music make[...]bands dispelled, and silence descended ment li[...]their attitude toward ence will know and like. Finding a venue
the 1960's, to the thorny[...]natch at least, has been no deterrent
the 1970's and the bloom of sound sophi-[...]poet a sound that eclipsed many national and bands date back to the 1979 Barber Hall mance by professionals.
and the politician have yielded their sharp ove[...]private gig, with Naked Spots Dance; The
cynicism and law to nip in the bud the Conserve.[...]Life in the Fridge Exists and The Wall Snatch - victors in the battle of
growth of the Rose. I am Pearl Diver and[...]Blitz and remnants of Lost Cause were veng[...]As El Clubbo's fame and appeal grew, so Bar, Gerhar.dt Pie[...]the spirit of the of night music was seen and acted upon.[...]of ~ conspiracy, embezzlement and[...]lsadium - this venue was the pub venues, and the Sound of Four was iJ;T[...]nants of El
host to national pop heros Lee Grant and formed. This band, underwent several[...]o\ e a survived this further blow by
Ray Columbus and the Invaders, and the[...]% Proof, and finally with Mike Miers
The Flares were t[...]roof came into be The Urge and Lost Cause. Members from[...]~ of Grey. Shades of Grey established a
guitars, and jazz drums, and a brass sec- and Majestic Hotels had opened._ th.eir do[...]doors to bands and the growth ~t. Rose '[...],,.. ·1n 1983, Shades of Grey are direc-
and winkle picker boots captured the ad-[...]. . . .
ture much freshness and spontaneity of - the Grand Hotel had[...]great little met locally by Clearl1te, Cru1ze and S ~'fl~shown not only in the music, but also in
e[...]trumpeteer." aight . The Albert and the Regent beca lU l~he lyri~ and track titles. The Minute[...]~s
The Fabulous Flares ignited the and remained regular rock venues 1;1]lt'J.I " nll1ant Lips", and "Amphetamine C1r-
flaming youth of Palmerston No[...]nid Slyton" and "Four Silos". ron[...]lit clubs and heavy metal of the 1970;!. Steven Jones and Paul Harvey add . icated with the power of rules and regu-
In the 1960's, bands were not lim-[...]Snail Clamps is to be an outlet for altern-
and Rikkis. Bennett[...]advanced ative music, theatre and poetry - a gallery[...]ibition. The genius of Snail
Coffee bars and church halls were Fat 'n Sassy.[...]~ot
available to popsters and their fans. The[...], when it encounters a bad
Sorrento, Continental and The Starlite In 1981, the Commerci[...]neighbour, it will take up its house and
coffee lounges provided daytime enter- bec[...]he early 1980's, the And so, the tale of Rose City Rock
Regular p[...]ap as a viable tour stop. The clubs
1964 and the Rose City was rust-[...]and cafes have disappeared, but still the
ling with[...]he music industry will contin -
The Simple Image and Ahmed Dahmen[...]Research and presentation - Jenny.[...]Ann Driver, with poet, critic and politi-
By the end of 1964, 20 active[...]Production Assistants - Ken Elliott
and Powerhouse and the Avengers .were
creating a chapter of the Rose[...]tance, and to 2ZA studios for production
Show held in the Op[...]and to Radio Massey for air play. Finally[...]to John McCormack, Mike Griffin and
1966 saw the uprising of the first[...]Mike Miers and the Old Boys Brigade of
band made up entir[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (42)[...]reme. It has sold about 500 copies locally. More but a lot of people[...]ording, however, is planned. us and they like to try and stuff us around .
SNATCH[...]e play top 40 stuff, but you have land, and what goes on in that island is '
ting in contact[...]oduct, our music. That's why we
tion of the town" and getting a good foll- say we're 'progressive c[...]t of the thing at all."
to be called Trek and original line-up was time."[...]like the thought of put-
Kevin Downing (guitar) and Paul Vile SKEPTICS[...]us
and The Urge had just started. There was[...]performance , and made everything new Skept[...]"The fi rst night we played at El and spontaneous . Routine playing in a[...]bands. We played opening night and we the same. I don't like that."[...]'Skeptics' meant." "We wer-e a punk band
band and he gave us a month's notice. We
had no trouble ge[...]J 312 gt.,
for three years and now charge $2 on the[...]arting out afresh to get org-
anised financially, and getting your foot
in." "To be a successful band y[...]are familiar
with, so they'll like the band more and "Skepticism is not a philosophy
a[...]Nick (bass) and Wooms (drums) . "We ack-[...]s being very
band playing in one spot continually and much a part of t he band, because mixi ng
t[...]- Choice of four mains and entrees
be interest ed in us play ing our origina[...]it is a lot easier t o
learn two covers per week, and create a "Having your own[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (43)[...]imal tests which showed the conflict over and over again, everyday .[...]ava ilable and their usage. Another invalu-[...]hands and planted firmly in those of her all aspects[...]four times a year, not daily, and thereby process of compiling a booklet giv[...]body and mind . charge to[...]affairs appears to be that women ects and it is very effective, and yet it is like Depo or the Pill seems preferabl[...]he information from
are the ones who get pregnant and in this the Pill which is freely presc[...]essive abortion Ourselves" (New York, 1971) and to the
comparison have little vested interest in[...]sure on women to use methods that are
occur. And so most women remain con- marketed with so many side-effects and[...]t so little warning to the prescriber and u- even if they carry the greatest risk to
me[...]sibility. competence, inadequacy and disregard[...]contraceptive "device which puts at the
And most of these methods are effective[...]control has been solved and only stupid
Contraception is reportedly a[...]sponse to the economic For physical and/or emotional reasons
market forces within this pa[...]are considered irresponsible , and "deserve[...]pears to be a masculine prerogative. And[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (44)[...]ted, when I attended the cal seers prophesise, and are indeed, as
AGM held last Wednesday, the time allot- equally as dreadful and angered as you CHAFF IS:[...]ans, tech-
20 remits to be discussed. History and ex- It's a crying shame you didn't h[...]scription of male rapists Dobbie, drawings; and Mark E. Guntren-
red to discuss and pass/defeat even a mo- - take one of the fol[...], to ensure all mat- fan; the rot has set in and trust, kindness, Ian Mcintyre.
ters are co[...]etc. wi 11 be no more between man and

In conclusion, I wish to congratu-[...]ure. and really, that is who you should be try-[...]1983, claims that my partner and I "are[...]Budd and Brodd[...]subjected to the soul-searching and indis-[...]and to be represented at that trial.

that are angry and confused about this
total degradation of all[...]criminate surveys and questionnaires of
pyschology and sociology students.[...]chemistry equations and physics prob-[...]suggests that Les Atkins and myself have
but w~en we see this being used a[...]rape should not be
to publicise their warped and twisted[...]charge is absurd and dangerous. Perhaps
while I was reading some o[...]you could enlarge on your theme and give
material, I came across a poem which I[...]ience stu-
there, get a big black dog up you; and to dents - by certainly not guinea pigs.[...]CYCLE SHOP
Nazi Germany, and look what happened

entire male population when y[...]INVEST IN REFLECTORS AND SAFETY GEAR
is humanity going to survive? Wha[...]SAFETY MUDGUARDS AND WHEEL REFLECTORS
of ironic laughter here) etc[...]REFLECTOR ANKLETS AND TAPE
we've got a sh*t's show.[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (45)[...]and is showing more promise with each[...]put this down to need for more practice and slow opposition.
and more fire in their play.

The B's play was much improved
and they had a 1-0 win over Hui a Gold.
Their positional play and passing was good[...]SPORT?
and a larger winning margin was deserved. half to score their two goals.
Goal scoring ability and individual skills[...]or do you just like to fool your- Squash and Badminton racquets
need to be worked on, but over[...]Or do you just want to look cool and feel[...]Squash balls and shuttle co*cks for[...]ours (blue and grey while the t-shirts are[...]ts in mind; $15 for sweatshirts Balls and co*cks for sale.[...]/pants and $6 for a t-shirt. Check out[...]SERVICES OFFERED
week are small in number and I apologise Old Girls C.
for their scar[...]Full range Europa products and accessories
The Mincers played Kia Toa and
The A's had a good win over Girls won 8-0. Fiona Gunn played well and Full workshop service[...]plen· scored two goals. Karen Campbell and
ty of attack, but was lacking in drive. The[...]time, but some brilli- while Debbie Walters and Sue Walker sco-
ant play after the break gave our[...]out two dozen bods bringing out bruises and discussing team
and is available for group bookings or you tac[...]omen's If you have any problems and 7.15 a.m. · 9.00 p.m. Monday to Friday
days are Tuesday and Thursday, men's especially construct[...]7.15 a.m. -10.00 p.m . Saturday
days are Monday and Wednesday). Block and see me (Richard Mills, Sports V.P.)[...]bookings for any time at all will be eager- and we can then plan for better utilization

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (46)[...]$25 includes meals and accom-[...]-- SE Asia and the South Pacific. list of those i[...]Congress Theme: "Women and NOSAC Off[...]ity in Palmerston North and in Fiji, MUFA
MASSKERADE!![...]The first and last song, "Asking for it" ,
The Careers I[...]eachers College, muttering to myself
will get you and recruitment officers[...]about the cold and inconvenient hour of talked of womin's Catch[...]- Womens Evening and Workshop
pus during the winter term.[...]ce inside, our eyes were assaulted by berty, and Mr Muldoon were all topics of[...]- priorities for Term 11
Office, Registry, and be included in ca-[...]one's warped perceptions of modern reproach and ridicule and the result was[...]ion on come
views.vacancies, and of course job inter-
job[...]ex pect, but I was in no way disappointed and the atmosphere was more rela xed , we[...]tive Each of the five womin - plus Renee and[...]five talen- Phee, said a bit about themselves and re-
~~~~[...]ted and poweful womin, Margaret Blay, cited a poem, and / or sung a song. The ta-
, 1[...]Jess Hawk Oakenston, and Hilary King whelming .
. IHTISTI[...]Phee and a hell Qf a lot of conviction .[...]show feeling extremely bla and rather
I prin·s - stained, pain/I'd and 11ntiq111· a![...]ere not feeling exhilerated, defiant, strong and
'S Afrmha uf PPF. I of .\'nc li ·11/and[...]mour, caricature and sobriety were corn-
:J.I Roxburgh Cr[...]5. Cook and Fouveaux could have been . . . . _[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (47)[...]• Low interest loans up to $1,500-
of "BNZ Campus Pack". The rest are[...]• BNZ Visa
Call into our on-campus branch and
talk over the many free services we've[...]easier. - budgeting, short and long term[...]- safe custody of documents and
• Interest free overdraft - up to $200[...]We're right here on campus. Call in, and[...]BANK IT AT BNZ
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (48)[...]in profits, a b-ig drop in production, and
For the first time in half a century on[...], some ation now, with both poor markets and[...]has magnified between June and September
turning to school or university. The la[...]rd to buy less. September and December 1982, they fell
rise, in fact unemployme[...]ced a 20% drop in eco- inflation and ignoring the rest of the eco-
Economic Crisis[...]nce of ·Payments (BOP) deficit on
overseas trade and borrowing, and the[...]and some unions accepted, a four day[...]and Britain found the four day week was
governments o[...]ng March 1983, ment' has chosen inflation, and not unem-[...]ration said they expect production and production remains the same. The
Gross Domestic Product, and is highly in- cies. The two aspects of this[...]nter· cutting real wages (such as the freeze) and pay, hence less demand etc., and the spi-
nal deficit for the 1983/84 year at $300[...]of this would be to help break the depres-
and overseas. Overseas borrowing· only defic[...]ago.
est bi11s and repayment of the debt. The dustification for these policies has And the result:[...]more would cause rush
$2000 million by mid year, and this is the the wage freeze.
main economic pr[...]he go- preventing further lay-offs. And yes, it
the deficit occurs because of high costs[...]flation since then, and even taking the so-
A major reason for[...]ublic. creased living standards and 100,000 un-
New Zealand's colonial development s[...]With the .economic situation we face, and employed, or, 9% inflation, no wage[...]rsening lower Ii vi ng standards and 150 ,OOO out ,of
two commodities, mainly for export.[...]work by August this year.
First gold, "then wool, and since World services spending (education,[...]employment, as the effects of
War Two, meat, wool and dairy products. have further reduced livin[...],000 a Lower demand for goods and ser-[...]KARL and FRANCES[...]the cafeteria and shop.[...]loan, lo obtain credit and to accumulate funds.[...]
Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (49)[...]CRITICS your financial status and if you have any everyone, you don't attack t[...]give him the evidence he needs and help Secondly, you fused both her[...]i.e. that of Station Manager and D.J. and on trying to discredit me and furthering
Arggghhhh ! ! ![...]Manager and helped set up a working co- got the g[...]Di-
some of the criticisms of Masskerade and
the other night and I really enjoyed it. Kathryn, Don (no longer here) and Rod. rector and has some excel lent plans for
Chaff itse[...]Both bands were good and people were But I'm replying to your l[...]ou do too ... After the first few Asare, and Ken Elliott?[...]to others in the station and better for rel-[...]station. It's your radio station and if you[...]that bad and doesn't make any more mis-[...]f ree dri nks from friends on the bar and
Dear Ed,[...]and hospitable to look after your friends[...]unfair to the wrong speed, has urns and ahs.
ments by Merv Welffngton (Minister o[...]teurs to get a go. As Don and Ian over the
means more chance of greater[...]Keep at
perience - with high unemployment and Obviously you are not only "an[...]xine in fused the roles of station manager and The Editor of Chaff,[...]Firstly, I'd like to say there are and administrative nature of Radio Mas-[...]or, I felt Chaff. Perhaps next year Ram and Mass-
His comments qn the hardshi[...]form from the university - high standard, and Phil and Andy who facing announcers. What better way than gies and Dippies etc. happy!
it's almost impossibl[...]who have parents living in the ap- unique, and in fact one of the best attri- and that one of our major aims is to int- se[...]and adds to the soul of the radio. The di-[...]without student support and ~nvolve­[...]Therefore, why criticise Maxine ence and associated competence of old[...]she makes mistakes, who d9esn't station and monitoring new announcer's[...]a part time quite often offers good music and good[...]m a line on first, so too, did Marian and Ken and you have had ample opportunity t[...]


<p><em>Chaff</em> existed from 1934 to 2012 and&nbsp;was the student newspaper of the Massey Agricultural College Students&#39; Association&nbsp;and, after university status was attained in 1[...]

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04. Massey University Library, accessed 16/08/2024,

Chaff, 50(9), 1983-05-04 (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.